
The OLED: a TV that stagers will LOVE!

Home Stager with Capital Style Home Staging


One simply needs two walk through one Circuit City, or Best Buy to understand how electronics-crazy we currently are.  Being a household with three children (ages 22-12), our family consumes our share.  But, not until going into staging did I realize the density of this consumption.  Silly Jaynee.

In and around the DC area, I have staged homes with TVs in kitchens, in formal living rooms, in every bedroom.  How about a TV in a 3-year-old's room, with a PlayStation and two remotes on a swivel base, so he can play it from his bed, or from the recliner across the room.  How about a TV inside a crib?  I kid you not.  Still haven't seen one in a bathroom, but I expect at least one of you will comment that you have. 

Many here on AR have discussed this disgusting phenomenon (not just culturally, but visually), and we all know that the GIANT TVS are the elephants in the rooms.  The units themselves are fairly utilitarian, but not ugly.  It's all the ding dong wires and  peripherals that create the monster. 

Smart homeowners who are on the market will jettison some of their units; smarter homeowners will jettison all, or all but one.  Some, as we all sadly know, will jettison none. 



But, as time and technology march forward, these brain-numbing machines are at least getting prettier and more visually friendly.  The latest one, Sony's Organic Light Emitting Diode TV is introduced soon.  We must only wait until December.  Hmmmm, December.....interesting timing, don't you think?   This snappy little number looks as demure and sleek as a large digital picture frame.  Very sexy.



So here's a glimpse of the OLED  and here's a photo  -------> 



Of course, this model is simply another step in the continuum of consumer electronics.  What is next?  Tiny units that can literally fit in a coffee cup?  Yes, they're in the works.  Then there's my personal favorite:  the flat mount screen (one in every room) framed like artwork, that will become our interactive media center for speaking to one another, watching TV, or working electronically.  When not in use, they're beautiful pieces of 2-D art.

I can't wait.  <sigh>


Cheri Dueker
Transitional Designs, LLC - Saint Louis, MO
Transitional Designs, LLC, Home Staging St. Louis
Great topic-we ususally request all tvs be removed except for the family room and we hide it in a corner. I want to stage a home that has one in the bathroom that becomes a mirror when turned off. Would be an awfuly big mirror based on the sizes of the tv's I normally see.
Oct 01, 2007 03:27 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

It has become fairly clear to me, Cheri, that it is a rare homeowner who is willing to give up TV.  Hopefully, however, as these units become more sexy, more fun....we'll have fewer problems in this area of staging.  And just think....these cute little units are UNDER TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS.  A bargain!

Thanks for stopping by to comment....


Oct 01, 2007 03:57 AM
Stephanie Heron
Dressing Rooms LLC - Scottsdale, AZ
Weeber - Dressing Rooms

OK Jaynee - I confess to having a TV in my bathroom - nothing beats lying in a hot bubble bath with a glass of wine watching Grey's Anatomy on a Thursday night:) Actually I have 8 TV's in the house - most are in custom built cabinets/behind doors. I even have a small one in a niche on the patio. We didn't put one in the barn:)

Having said that - I totally agree with you - especially the monster TV's that take up so much space in living rooms and bedrooms - they are black and they are ugly and they have to go:)


Oct 01, 2007 04:22 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Holy Cow, Stephanie!  Next year for vacation, forget the Grand Canyon.  I'm comin' to YOUR house! 

And why would any of us care about how many TVs you have in your place? You're living there.  You just want us to all envy you.....which we now do.

<another deep sigh>

Thanks for stoppin' by!  Cheers! from DC...


Oct 01, 2007 04:42 AM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL
All said, there will still be wires to deal with until everything becomes wireless.  I did stage a home with a nitch for a tv.  I chose a plant instead because lying in that tub would have required one to turn their head right or left to watch.  What a stupid waste.  Probably designed by some guy who takes 3 minute showers.  Speaking of which, so do I.  We have two TVs in our house, one skinny profile and one old old old fat one on the screened porch.  Anymore than that is a waste.  As for kids, mine never had his own, and if I had kids today they wouldn't either.  What are we becoming?
Oct 01, 2007 04:59 AM
Stephanie Heron
Dressing Rooms LLC - Scottsdale, AZ
Weeber - Dressing Rooms

Actually Jaynee - my house is for sale!! The thing is, you can't see the TV's - my addiction is my little secret:)


Oct 01, 2007 05:11 AM
Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)

Hi Jaynee - I have also seen a crazy number of TV's in some homes, including TONS of bathroom TV's.  In fact, I saw one on Friday.  I have also seen phones in the "water closet", which seems a little excessive to me.  That Sony TV is very cool! 

Personally, we have two TV's, one in the master bedroom and one in our upstairs TV room.  We don't have one in the family room at all.

Oct 01, 2007 06:01 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

You hit the nail on the head, Terry.  Wireless is clearly the preferred method of connectivity, and when it comes to our next next next generation, the houses will be smart/hard wired. 


Oct 01, 2007 06:56 AM
Judy Heinrich
Judy Heinrich Home Staging - San Diego, CA
I must confess... I have a TV in the bathroom too (it came with the house). 
Oct 01, 2007 06:58 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Ahhhh.....Stephanie, well if one cannot SEE all those little electronic gems, then what's the harm, honey?  Bubble bath away!

Thanks for sharing....we're all still envious!  Cheers! from DC...



Oct 01, 2007 07:14 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

I wonder, Jason, if the lack of a TV in the living spaces is highly correlated with homeschool families.  Sure seemed to be the case when I was homeschooling in both Virginia and Pennsylvania.  I must say, we've slid backwards on this issue since the homeschooling years ended.

Good for you for making your living spaces places where you LIVE! rather than spaces where you STARE!

Nonetheless, the old staging addage of:  the way you live in your house and the way you prepare it to sell are two different things.  Smart sellers will reduce or eliminate the volume of electronics in their homes.

Cheers! buddy....from DC...


Oct 01, 2007 07:17 AM
Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)

Jaynee - There is a correlation, I am sure.  However, we bought and furnished this house before we were "officially" homeschooling.  We just didn't want it in the family room. 

With regard to the staging, I couldn't agree more.  Good advice!

Oct 01, 2007 07:59 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Okay, Jason, my man.  Just another reason to be impressed by your character.  

Hey, how about you begin to host a Homeschooling and Real Estate site?  Those who manage their own businesses, often manage the education of their own families, n'est ce pas?  (I think that's French, but it's been DECADES, so who knows.  I could have called you a luscious grape in Swahili, but I hope not.) 

Cheers! from DC...


Oct 01, 2007 10:17 AM
Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)
Jaynee - I like your idea and I may need to give that some thought - maybe something for self-employed people who homeschool? 
Oct 01, 2007 10:46 AM
Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital

OK, Jaynee, I just gave you five stars and flagged this for a featured post. 

IN A CRIB?????  Yikes! 

Oct 02, 2007 12:19 AM
Jaynee Acevedo
Capital Style Home Staging - Kensington, MD
Capital Style Home Staging

Patricia!  YES!!  IN A CRIB!  Not only was I shocked over the concept, but kept thinking what happens when he wets the sheets?  What happens if he crawls on top of it and it falls on his legs.  What happens when he crawls on it and then gets high enough to fall out of the bed!

I won't even tell you how filthy the furniture was (at the arms, at the backs) nor the house!  (switch plates, door knobs).  The lady of the house:  an Interior Designer.  Her brochure is amazingly fabulous.  It was a shocker, I'm here to tell you.

Oh, and the end of the story:  the Realtor (who had brought me in on the job) FIRED her client, at which point the client de-staged the house herself.  Everything was piled/tossed in the foyer, and not surprisingly, I didn't get everything back.  I think this was my second job, and I was glad to have the opportunity to learn so much, so quickly. 

Oct 02, 2007 01:18 AM
Heather Harrell
Harrell Home Staging, LLC - Gainesville, VA


A bit off subject...  but I showed some properties to a buyer (I also have my RE license) this weekend.  One house had a dead bird in the basement - another had dead rats.  Crazy scary - I couldn't wait to get home and shower!

I blogged just last month on the same subject.  Check it out HERE

"Cheers" (or maybe not so cheers?) from Gainesville, VA... 

Oct 09, 2007 04:30 AM