
203K Loans and My Son's Dirty Diaper

Mortgage and Lending with MVB Mortgage "A Potomac Mortgage Group Trademark" NMLS# 189110 MVB#181319

203K Loans and My Son's Dirty Diaper

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If you are still avoiding the 203K loans then you need

to give me a call and let us treat you to lunch. Pretty

simple, right!


These loans are going to be a BIG part of the re-sale

market for years to come so learn how to sell these

homes and loan programs today.


We are always here to help out and remember to

"win the day!"


The ROSS Group & Potomac Mortgage

Rob Ross


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Arleen Montford
Selling NW Florida Homes in Pace/Milton/Pensacola FL

Hi Rob, It is true I need to learn more about the 203K loan. I have only did one but it was hard. Too bad you are to far for lunch.

Apr 02, 2011 02:46 PM
Rob Ross
MVB Mortgage "A Potomac Mortgage Group Trademark" - Friendship Heights, DC
MVB Mortgage

I was just looking through a Coastal Living Magazine this month and it listed Pensacola, FL as one of the best places to buy in Florida.......Great town with some great homes and beaches....

I may have to buy a place there someday as a second home.....I will know who to call! :  )

Apr 03, 2011 09:22 AM
Kevin the 203k loan guy

Nice job on promoting the 203k Rob.  If set up correctly, this loan can solve many problems in this market and move properties.  I'm in Southern California, and Realtors avoid this loan like the plague and tell their clients to not consider it because of past horror stories.  These loans were abused 20-25 years ago and have not really been able to gain a new name for itself.  But those who know how to set them up, see them as the crown jewel for this market.

<Ahref="">203k loan</A>


Apr 13, 2011 08:00 AM
Brent Kluge
Senior Vice President, Secured Funding Corporation - Rockville, MD
I do mortgages REALLY well and I WON'T RIP YOU OFF



Very well done. Quite professional.  Best of luck to you in the 203k lending realm.  Please ring me if I could ever be of assistance.



Apr 25, 2011 08:50 PM