
Short Sales - Rewarding!

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

Negotiating Short Sales - Rewarding!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011 by The Gutting Group

As a Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE), I have been successfully negotiating short sales for homeowners over the past four years.  A short sale is where a lender agrees to allow the borrower to sell their home for less than the loan balance.  For instance, if you owe $150,000 on your home, but its worth $120,000 now..  if you have a hardship (divorce, medical bills, excessive use of credit, loss of job, etc), there is a good possibility the bank will allow you to sell and settle for less.   We are currently negotiating 11 short sales.. very time consuming and a frustating process, but absolutely worth it and very rewarding.

7 out of 10 borrowers do not know what to do and do not call their lender or a real estate agent to discuss their options.  Let me tell you, the lenders want to work out a solution for you.  They DO NOT want to take the home back via a foreclosure.  In fact, in some circumstances, the lender is willing to pay the borrower $3,000 to do a short sale.  Heard of HAFA - The government program for short sales?

If you know of anyone that is struggling financial, in a home that may or may not be 'underwater', please call us.  As a real estate agent, there is nothing more rewarding in this business than helping a homeowner navigate through these stressful waters and get them back on to good financial health.  

Derek Gutting, The Gutting Group, Keller Williams Realty,, 317 846.4888  or