
I Have to Get this Off of My chest ......

Real Estate Technology with

OK, this really doesn't have anything to do with real estate...but real estate is vulnerable to economic irresposnsibility...sooooo, I am speaking at a conference in Orlando...for the record, discussing Autologous Adipose Derived Stem Cells vs. Pluripotent stem cells in muskulo-skeletal asked!

Anyway, while minding my own business in The Disney Dolphin Hotel, a GROSSLY overrated resort, I find myself watching the news... A story comes on about a state senator, otherwise now known as the colossal jackass of politics. Aforementioned colossal jackass of politics proposes legislation that enables ILLEGAL immigrants to receive a college education in Florida under the in-state tuition program.  His rationale??  THIS IS A QUOTE, "we provided them a free education from K-12, so why not college too"?? WHAAAAAT???


So let me see if I have this straight, an illegal immigrant can pay $10,000 per year to attend college in Florida, but a young man or young lady from Georgia would pay $28,000??  

Want more?? I did some costs about $25,000 for each student to attend a Florida university.  So, TAXPAYERS will subsidize $15,000 per ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT to attend a university.

Want STILL more?? The illegals earned the money to pay the $10,000 ILLEGALLY and did not pay taxes on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEY QUALIFY FOR FINANCIAL AID!

WHERE DOES IT END???  And there are some of you that believe that the government can fix real estate, banking, and the auto industry???...they couldn't fix a flat............

The colossal jackass of politics has a name...other than is Senator Siplan

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Dennis Burgess
AmeriTeam Property Management - Mid Florida, FL
Orlando Property Manager and Realtor

Hi, Paddy:  Hope the remainder of your stay here was/is better than your time spent watching our local news.  Ugh.  I'm truly grateful Gary Siplin doesn't represent my district, but he is far from alone.  Illegals benefit from in-state tuition rates in a number of other states (Oklahoma comes to mind unles they've changed their policies of late), but it hurts here as it comes along at the same time huge cuts are on the way for the state's Bright Futures scholarships and others that benefit those who have played by the rules and their families.  Here's hoping a wave of common sense comes across folks soon, and a movement to hold others to the rule of law or to the consequences for breaking those laws spreads as quickly as the waves of "hope and change" did a short while ago.

Apr 08, 2011 08:36 PM