Allergies, causes, - and treatment of w/ acupuncture
An allergy is an immune system disorder that occurs when your body has an inflammatory, hypertensive reaction to what is a normally benign substance. Common conditions such as hay fever, eczema, hives and asthma are actually allergic reactions; others include food allergies, responses to bee stings and certain medications.
There are two main factors that can make you susceptible to allergens - host and environmental factors. Host factors are items that are genetic (race, age, gender, and heredity) and internal to the body’s bio-chemistry. Environmental factors are exposure to pollution, harsh chemicals in home and work place, diseases, and exposure to high levels of allergens, particularly at a young age. The dangers posed by allergies range from the merely annoying and/or inconvenient (pollen that causes a runny nose) to the truly life threatening (exposure to certain foods, such as shellfish). In the home and workplace, consider researching and choosing less toxic materials and chemicals- for everything from cleaners to rugs, furnishings and finishing chemicals. All these things outgas. My next blog will list some harsh chemicals.
Much more can be said about the conventional understandings of allergies, and there are many varying viewpoints on the causes as well as the treatments of allergies. Most treatments aim to reduce the discomfort of the symptoms temporarily. The ability to cure the underlying causes to the symptoms is not common.
There are several types of tests to gauge exactly what allergens your body has a reaction to.
Testing for allergens and sensitivity reaction:
Another great testing method is called indigo (a radionics method) of the bio-feedback realm, and Sue Kane is a practitioner I refer to for that. Email me for her number in Rye, NY and Wilton, CT.
Acupuncture is one of the major holistic therapies used through thousands of years to address the underlying energetic relationships in the body that enables the allergy symptoms to arise. Treatments aim to, yes, give immediate relief from the symptoms, and further, it can address the variety of underlying causes. Point sites for immediate relief include local points near the actual symptom places such as the sinus areas, and others not so obvious to understand such as near the hands or feet. Point sites for the underlying causes will be found on an individual basis after a thorough case history. Acupuncturists will use terms such as spleen energetics, kidney, liver energetics as well as lung energetics, and use point sites to affect and improve these systems. There are deeper or more superficial versions of these systems, but the point sites are always on the skin and the surface of the body.
A patient will happily experience immediate improvement of the symptoms, and be encouraged therefore to continue to pursue the underlying causes in future treatments. Long term, the symptoms cease to arise. The reactiveness calms down.