
Title Closers vs. Paralegals ~ Do you know the difference?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Lien Search Pro

I was reviewing news and posts this morning when I cam across this article;

 Proposal would restrict who could be called a paralegal

Do you realize how many lawyers/attorneys/lawfirms call their employees paralegals when they are not truly licnsed paralegals?

I should know, I worked at one as I was routinely referred to by the Attorney as a paralegal and no I do not carry the certification for the title. Did I ever refer to myself that way NO!

So that made me wonder, how many "title closers" are out there in Florida performing closings and referring to themselves (either verbally or email or written letters) with the title "Paralegal" attached to their name and yet they do not carry the correct certification to do so.

It will be interesting to watch the outcome of this Fla Bar Meeting!

Pat Murphy, Short Sale Negotiator, Lien Search Pro         Phone 941-822-6111

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