Expert or Door Opener?
Last week I started a series of blogs inspired by a conversation that I had with my 13 yr old son Alex. Alex had asked me if I had opened any doors for people that day. I was really saddened that my own child did not know what all my job as a Realtor involved.
As a community, we need to make sure that the benefit of hiring a professional real estate agent is clear to the general public. NO, I am not just a door opener! Are you?
Last week I spoke about knowing your PRODUCT, and I challenged each of us to know much more about the areas we service than just what we gleam from MLS. Last week I attend a Realtor Workshop and learned so much about one of my service areas and the school district. Take advantage of the events like this one is your market.
Today, I am challenging you to know the PAPERWORK. Contracts and agreements can be intimidating and overwhelming. How many times do your buyers and sellers sign them without reading them all the way through? If they trust you, they assume that you will take care of them and they sign without really knowing what the contract/agreement really says. Think about that for just a minute. Buying a home is the largest investment many people make and they are trusting you to be the expert.
Do you know what every paragraph in the contract/agreement means? What about the addendums to the contract and when to use which forms? When was the last time you attended continuing education classes to learn more about these documents? If you do not know the ins and outs of every document that pertains to the buying and selling of real estate sales in your market, then you cannot be the expert you are expected to be.
I don't know about you, but I have some addendums to study! My quest to enlist your help to enlighten the public about the real estate profession continues next week.
Real Estate Operations Manager