
The Top 10 Mistakes by Home Sellers

Home Stager with Stage It List It Sell It

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 If you want to sell your house, you need to take it seriously.  What I have been telling my sellers is that you may have a smaller profit when selling your house, but will be able to buy a house for less too.  Here are my top 10 hints and tips for selling your home quickly for the most money.

  1. Get rid of things and de-clutter. Having out fifty storage bins and pots and pans on a shelf in your china cabinet is a red flag to buyers.  I like playing a game with my kids.  The game is, “why are these people selling their house.”  I show them bad pictures from listings on line.  It’s gotten to the point that both of them laugh as soon as the photos  appear.  If it’s possible to tell why somebody is moving by the photographs alone, there’s a problem.
  2. Don’t list the price of your house too high to, “see what happens” before getting it to the right price.  Ask anyone who has sold a home if they took their first offer.  If the individual didn’t take their first offer, did they regret it?  The most serious buyers in every price range come to view new listings right after they’re listed.  I can count on both my hands, my feet, and on all the hands, feet, and paws in my house the number of times I know sellers regret turning down that initial offer. 
  3. When I’m in a social situation and am asked what line of work I’m in, I  get some  interesting responses once the individual learns I’m a “stager.”  If I gained a pound every time somebody told me that they knew how to stage and always bake cookies before showings at their house, I’d physically explode.  Hire a professional to take care of defects and necessary repairs at your house before listing it.  I apologize if you read my blogs or articles on a regular basis, but again the only way somebody knows how to stage a home is if they are a professional home stager with a portfolio. 
  4. Buyers can’t visualize cosmetic changes to a home all the time.  Don’t have the attitude that a buyer will want to change colors of rooms and put their own style into a house anyway, so why should you change anything at all in your house.  WRONG.  Make sure all your rooms are painted neutral.  Seriously, I have had buyers walk away from a great house because their couch doesn’t  match in the duck wall paper in the living room. 
  5. If your house has been on the market since there was snow on the ground, make sure your on-line photographs are updated.  Everybody is sick of seeing snow on the ground unless they see it in the photo of a potential house.  Snow equals a low offer because it appears that your house has been listed for a long time.
  6. If your house has been on the market for a month with very few showings, it’s time for a price drop.  This is assuming  your agent has done a lot of advertising not limited to all social media sites and many cities around the state. 
  7. Watch what you write on social media sites and say at your daughter’s soccer games.  Obviously that you have ducks swimming in your basement isn’t smart.  How about saying that gas prices are killing you and you have to get a shorter commute?  The divorce is almost final?  Your hours at work were cut.  Your neighbors are big time partiers.  Need I go on.  One of my favorite quotes is, “When in doubt, close your mouth.”


  1. If your agent says to clean your house, clean using the same standards Martha Stewart demands of her  house cleaners.


  1. Purple bath tubs are not pretty.  Install a new tub.


  1. Leaving out flea powder and ant traps is not wise.


Yes, you definitely know my mood today.  Seriously, don’t put your house on the market until you have made the right upgrades and changes.  Your house won’t sell as fast or for the price you want if you don’t use common sense.

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Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate
John L Scott Market Center - Birkenfeld, OR
"Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843

I'm helping a new listing....really bad furniture (oy!) and bad COLORED furniture and an awfully sick tone of baby poo yellow in an upstairs's a 2nd home so they didn't give much thought to decorating I'm afraid.

I've been what I would call "brutal" (for me) and gave them the straight skinny on the place. Thankfully, they've already gotten rid of quite a bit of furniture as a result. They still have the disgusting white leather lounge chair and ottoman with the cracked arms (can you believe it??), but it has been pared down. I gave them a gorgeous schefflara to add some (much needed) life and greenery to their kitchen.  The home itself is all wood tones, vaulted wood ceilings--very cabiny.

You do what you can do and then hope for the best. I have strong buyers (with vision) coming today....we'll see what happens!

Apr 18, 2011 02:30 AM
Pocono Luxury Homes The Jeff Rickert Team
RE/MAX Property Specialists - Pocono Lake, PA
Poconos Luxury Homes

Thanks for the post. 

Nice list.

Good luck in your area.


Apr 18, 2011 02:32 AM
Jeffry Evans
Temple, TX

I like what you said about buyers not being able to visualize things. In my experience, buyers are pretty much incapable of visualizing anything. I think it comes with our day and age, so much entertainment, graphical effects, etc. There's no need for having an imagination anymore...

Apr 18, 2011 03:17 AM
Jeffry Evans
Temple, TX

Oh - by the way. Copying your article from Word into ActiveRain has a tendency to create problems, I highly recommend copying it to notepad first, then copy/paste it to ActiveRain. I hope that helps!

Apr 18, 2011 03:18 AM
Harry Fawkes
Weidel Realtors - Levittown, PA

Great information. Enjoyed reading the list. Good luck to you

Apr 18, 2011 03:27 AM