Buyers and Sellers Beware Your Use of Social Media
Excellent blog post by Elizabeth and William Spear from Ohio. In this new world of social media, it has become easier to stay connected with both good and bad results. If you are in the process of selling or buying a home, self censor your social media posts.
Buyers and Sellers Beware Your Use of Social Media
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and a host of other platforms have connected us in ways our parents would have never dreamed of! Immediate connections and sharing of information, and maybe some info we'd just as soon NOT know!
But in all that sharing of information, you need to consider that it's just not your friends who might be looking, especially if you're in the midst of buying or selling a home! Depending on your privacy settings, you might be sharing information that will actually harm your negotiating position. As agents, we're always mindful that our social output affects both ourselves and potentially our clients.
If you're a seller, your name is EASY to find on public records searches, and depending on whether the residential property disclosures are online with the home, the buyers won't have to look far.
And it's easy for the buyers to check LinkedIn,, Facebook, etc. to look for leverage. DID work for Company X who just announced 500 people being laid off? Facebook status update about how excited you are to move to San Antonio? Perhaps a court search indicates that a divorce is imminent? Obviously some of these things you CAN'T control, but it's a small world and getting smaller fast. You never know when one of your 237 Facebook friends may also be friends with your prospective buyer and tipping them off to what's going on with you!
And the buyer, well they get the benefit of a little more privacy UNTIL the offer is written. And unless their name is along the lines of John Smith, the seller can now check them out in the same way....we know it happens, because during a recent deal our seller knew the buyer's occupation and where they were moving from.
So if you're looking to buy or sell a home, you might want to self-censor your social media involvement until you're through the process. Your real friends will understand!
You just never know who's reading!
Serving Warren County's residential real estate needs,
Liz and Bill aka BLizThe Liz Spear Team
Elizabeth & William Spear
RE/MAX Elite
Two locations: Lebanon & Mason, OH
Office direct: 513-248-3660
Liz direct: 513-265-3004
Fax: 866-302-8418MailTo: Visit:
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