
QR Codes What are They?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Turning Key Realty


Have you been noticing bar code images in print advertising and on some of your favorite products and wondered just what it is?  It's called QR ("quick response") Code and it is literally a square barcode.  It works just like bar codes work in the grocery store when scanned with a barcode scanner it will bring up the information on the product, price, description, etc.   The QR code works with your phone's camera and a free barcode scanner app.  The benefit is to get information such as website addresses, text, contact info, onto a phone quickly.  Start the app, point camera at QR code and you are taken directly to the information.

Depending on your phone try the free app RedLaser for iPhone or Barcode Scanner for Android.  Check it out from here if you like, open the app on your phone and point at our barcode above that was created for our website or point it at this one... that will take you directly to detail information on one of our featured properties for sale at 19 Rabin Terrace, Buffalo, NY


Look for Turning Key Realty QR codes in our advertising and on our signs.  Just one more way we are connecting people with properties utilizing the latest technology.   If you would like to list your real estate property with a broker that understands that cutting edge technology must not be overlooked when it comes to selling your property, give us a call at 716-688-4900.