As a Realtor, I consistently recommend neutral paint tones to sellers for their homes. Because we all have preferences, some way more colorful than others, they can become a roadblock in the process of selling your home.
Coloring Your World
It's the difference between "Hey, I could see us/myself living here" and "Well, if we/I move in here that paint color's gotta go." It's the same potential work, but it feels different to a buyer in a positive versus a negative light.
That being said, if you're looking to make your home more colorful to your personal taste, I have a great website for you:
It's a color visualizer that allows you to upload pictures of rooms in your home and "paint" them online to see how they'll look. Once you upload the picture(s), it lets you choose from all available paint color tones and specify wall, trim, etc. It's fun and pretty easy to use. And you don't need a drop cloth!
So after all the caution about neutral tones, why am I on this color kick? Well, you can experiement with neutral tones. And you can save yourself money from buying a color that looks good everywhere but on your walls. But hey, as long as you know you might have to paint over it if the day comes that you want to sell your home, have fun with colors. It's your home...and your personality:)