
Realtors and Businesses Can Offer Employees More Benefits

Mortgage and Lending NMLS 175409

In the past, benefit programs were designed as a one-size-fits-all answer to a homogenous work force. Organizations now recognize that a carefully crafted compensation and benefit program could give them an edge in a rapidly changing environment. Below is a short list of the areas that have created the need for change:

* A competitive business environment
* Work force demographic changes
* Rapidly rising healthcare benefits costs

These forces and others have caused HR professionals to look for ways to contain costs and help contribute to a business's bottom-line. The outcome has resulted in the next generation of compensation and benefits. Forward-thinking professionals realized that while program cost controls have been pivotal for survival, they still must provide additional benefits that can help attract and retain valuable employees.

HomeBenefitIQ offers a solution and a way for employers to enhance their benefit packages without increasing overhead. We assist you in creating more value in your benefit package by providing a benefit that streamlines the buying and selling of their most valuable asset -- real estate. We have designed a way to bring high-service/low-cost real estate services to organizations and their members. This cutting edge benefit is superior to anything in the marketplace and provides services reaching beyond reduced rates and fees.

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Contact me to get started

Xavier Ramirez
Mortgage Consultant
FHA Full Eagle Direct Lender
Direct line: 714-846-0503
Fax: 714-845-0009