
Rent vs Own in San Diego, CA

Real Estate Agent with Noble Real Estate

Rent vs Own in San Diego, CA

Rent vs Own in San Diego, CA is a popular topic.  Since the real estate decline there has been many people turning to rentals to live in San Diego after losing their home to foreclosure. 


Thus, landlords are able to charge a premium for rent.  In an article in the San Diego UT, it discusses that 28.4% of San Diegan rentors use 50% or more of their incomes for rent. 


So Rent vs Own in San Diego, CA is almost equal as far as monthly payment is concerned.  Here is a free Rent vs Own in San Diego, CA calculator from yahoo.


For more information about purchasing a home please contact me at (760) 580-1967.  I would be happy to go over the advantages and disadvantages of rent vs own in San Diego, CA.  Also, check out my website at 

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