That's right - Do NOTHING for two minutes. We're all busy people, and sometimes we need to take a break - breath in and relax. Two. Whole. Minutes. Click the image below to be brought to . A site that I happened to 'stumbleupon' while being on - one of my favorite places to go when surfing the web. I absolutely love it and am continually inspired by what I find there. And today - I share with you a site to go and relax. We all need to unwind sometime... so take a moment (actually, two minutes), enjoy, and click the link below.. But once you click - DO NOTHING FOR TWO MINUTES! It'll know if you're cheating! Just sit back, listen to the waves, and ENJOY
Emily, I failed within 10 seconds! OMGosh sitting still at the office is hard!!!
Thank you for posting this! I do a relaxation cd almost every day. Typically, I will fall asleep, because I'm overcommitted and over exhausted! And it brings me out of it after 20 minutes or half hour, depending on the cd.
And, looking at THIS post, I commit that I will go to my favorite beach, Crystal Cove, in Laguna Beach THIS WEEK! I won't commit to a specific day, because I don't always know how my day will go. And I do commit. I need that relaxation of walking on the beach, hearing the waves, enjoying the ocean air. Aaah, I can feel it now!
Much needed for my crazy day. Thanks for sharing. Wish I was at a beach doing nothing for 2 days instead of 2 mins.
Thanks for the reminder Emily. I promise I will take a break in a few minutes. (I've been saying that since 9am)
Cool idea. I think I've overclicked on the site. :)
thanks for the post and the reminder to take a break once in a while.
Great idea and very worthwhile. Oddly, after about 20 seconds, the message FAIL appeared on the screen although the sound of the waves continued.
Well, that was easy and Enjoyable. Thanks for giving us this much needed break!
Thank you! I wondered if I could do it w/o twitching to do something else but that was marvelous!
I start every morning like this...just sitting and reflecting on the upcoming day and how beautiful it is outside.
Can you believe as soon as I clicked the link, my phone rang! Then, I stopped again to turn off the TV, but I finally enjoyed my two minutes, now it is back to work for me. Thank you for the video!
I was sent this in my email today..I found it amazing how LONG 2 minutes actuall were. The volume was to low, so I touched the mouse to try to turn it up, and a red box flashed "Failed", it was torture for me, while at my desk at the office in the middle of the day. I need this while laying in bed to get me asleep instead of being on activerain in the middle of the night :) Thanks for sharing.