
Motivational Monday - Become A Modern Day Explorer

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage

First came blogging, then came photography, then came hiking.  When I first started blogging it soon became apparent that I should add photos to my posts to create some additional interest.  With all the copyright issues I knew I wasn't supposed to "borrow" photos from other sources without permission.

So I decided I'd have to create my own photos.  I had never had an interest in photography before but I purchased a half decent digital camera and went to work in my community snapping photos of anything relevant for my upcoming posts.

Who knew that being forced to supply my own work would lead to a keen interest in nature photography.  My fellow bloggers know that the camera now goes out the door with me everytime I leave the house as you never know when a great photo op will occur or when you just might capture one of life's magical moments.

My desire to find those photo opportunities led me to begin exploring local conservation areas, hiking trails, historic sites, country roads, lakes, rivers, parks, escarpments and much more.

My constant companion is my dog Lola who sits patiently as I stop to search out the birds I hear but can't see and ponder at what different angles I can shoot a flower, tree, duck, or whatever catches my fancy.  Now that we have moved to a new community I am excited about exploring many new spots with Lola.

So far we have checked out a number of local conservation areas and we will keep exploring and enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer.






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Peter Pfann @ eXp Realty Pfanntastic Properties in Victoria, Since 1986.
eXp Realty, Victoria BC - Victoria, BC
Talk To or Text Peter 250-213-9490

Hi Jenny,

Just a great topical local post, and we suggested it, as it so clearly describes what happens to many of us that become avid bloggers.

We like the concept of blogging, and from there it just takes on a life of it's own, great pictures and story, well done.

May 02, 2011 05:53 AM
Jenny Kotulak
RE/MAX Real Estate Centre Inc., Brokerage - Oakville, ON
Broker - Oakville Ontario Real Estate

Thanks Peter and Linda, you are right, blogging does take on a life of it's own.  Who knew?  Oh I forgot to add a photo of Lola.

Jenny Kotulak photo, RE/MAX Stratford, Jenny Kotulak real estate, Stratford real estate, Lola

May 02, 2011 06:08 AM
Sandy Acevedo
951-290-8588 - Chino Hills, CA
RE/MAX Masters, Inland Empire Homes for Sale

I love your story here and know that you would be perfect for the new contest here- a Photoblogging contest. Check it out 

May 02, 2011 06:18 AM
Fred Carver Real Estate Consulant
Retired BC Realtor - Victoria, BC
Accredited Real Estate Consultant

Hi Jenny...Nice Photos...Well Done!

May 02, 2011 06:54 AM
Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers
RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage - Brampton, ON
Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!

Hey Jenny, we are sure Oakville misses you, but your photos will live on.  Looking forward to seeing your new stomping grounds in full digital colour.

May 02, 2011 09:50 AM
Sheila Newton Team Anderson & Greenville SC
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices - C. Dan Joyner - Anderson, SC
Selling the Upstate since 1989

I love photography now too.. Isn't it great to find a new love.. without AR, I may never have known how much I love take photos.

May 02, 2011 04:22 PM
Malcolm Johnston
Century 21 Lanthorn Real Estate LTD., Trenton, Ontario - Trenton, ON
Trenton Real Estate

Hi Jenny, carting a camera around with me has become second nature now. My photography skills aren't very good yet, but I'm getting better as I'm learning how to pay more attention to details. I'm thinking of taking a course.

May 03, 2011 04:49 AM
Mary Douglas
United Country Ponderosa Realty, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado - Red Feather Lakes, CO
REALTOR, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado

Hi Jenny, I'm glad you got the photo-bug because your photos are so much fun to look at.  You have a great eye for showing us your world.

May 04, 2011 02:48 AM