Home & Garden Feature:
Sustainable Landscape Training
I am happy to say that the Lane County Extension Service is alive and well in our local community! After their loss of funding during a recent election, I was very concerned that we were going to lose a tremendous resource to our community. The folks at the extension service have moved mountains to continue to provide fantastic services to our local community including:
The Master Gardener Program and associated hotline provides not only sustainable landscaping training, but hotline & walk-in services to help you identify pests & invasive plants, provide garden advice and training in composting & pruning
~ Hotline hours & walk-in service provided
from 10-1 & 2-5 Monday-Thursday
The extension office is located at
783 Grant Street in Eugene, Oregon
~ Sustainable Lanscape Training:
Upcoming Workshop June 29-30
Workshop includes training in mulch & compost, pest control, lawn care, watering efficiently and more. To register call the hotline at 541-344-4885 or visit their website at http://extension.oregonstate.edu/lane/gardens
~ Pruning Classes: May-August
Workshops include training in fruit thinning, sucker removal, rhododendron prunining and more. Visit the extension website for specific dates/times/locations.
The Master Food Preservers Program provides training in food preservation, food safety and more.
~ Upcoming Workshops Include:
Emergency Planning: May 13th
Feeding Your Family ~ Good Times & Bad: May 20th
Jams & Jellies: June 17th
Pickling Tomatoes & Salsa: August 26th
Canning Meat: September 29th
Canning Tuna: 8 special classes will be scheduled to accomodate folks interested in canning tuna. If you would like to attend one of these courses call the extension 541-344-4885 for specific times and dates.
If you have not utilized the services of the Lane County Extension Service, I highly recommend their services for all your questions about gardening, nutrition and food preservation. They are a tremendous resource and a "Value Added" member of our community.