
30 Days of Marketing Opportunities - Day 16: Put Localism Blogs To Work For You

Services for Real Estate Pros with Marketing 4 Realtors

30 Days of Marketing Opportunities - Day 16

This is Week 4 in my goal to continue providing marketing motivation for you! 30 Days of Marketing Opportunities will give you 30 projects or tasks that your Virtual Assistant can handle on your behalf, generating leads that will ultimately generate more income for you!  These are tasks that do not require a lot of high-end skill but, instead, require some time (hence the reason your Virtual Assistant should handle these tasks, not you!) and attention to detail.  Join me on the journey!

Day 16 - Put Localism Blogs To Work For You

When you write about local businesses on your blog, you accomplish a number of things:

  • your blog moves up high in the search engines due to concentrated local search terms
  • your blog becomes a hub for inforamtion about your local area
  • you become a local expert in the real sense of the word (a person who has special skill or knowledge in a particular field or area)

So, how do you make localism blogs work for you?

  1. Choose your subjects. What are you going to write about? Ensure that you focus on the local aspect of that topic, whatever subject you select.  Some options are to write local series on area businesses such as "________ of the Week" (Restaurant, Grocery Store, Movie Theater, Dry Cleaner,  Dentist, Optomitrist, Beauty Salon).You could also write about local events (fairs, street parties, store sales, book fairs, construction, and of course real estate!).
  2. Write local. When you write your posts, be sure to use as many words and phrases as you can that relate to your local area. That will help locally focus your posts for the search engines.
  3. Comment on other local blogs. Your comments (along with your name and website when you log in!) will keep you associated with your local community. That's what you want and need.

When people start to associate your name with their community, it won't be long before you are the one they think about and call when they are ready to buy or sell!  And that's what we want, isn't it?  


Day 1 - Use Short URLs
Day 2 - Syndicate Your Blogs
Day 3 - Create a Marketing Campaign
Day 4 - Take Advantage of Holidays
Day 5 - Farming Works
Day 6 - Socialize Your Listings
Day 7 - Create a Partnership
Day 8 - Create a Community Website
Day 9 - Host a Coloring Contest
Day 10 - Send Sweet Treats
Day 11 - Throw a Party
Day 12 - Send Out 10 Greeting Cards
Day 13 - Host a Brunch for Working Parents
Day 14 - Create a Neighborhood Blog
Day 15 - Host A Webinar

Thinking about using a Virtual Assistant but not sure if you're ready? Contact me for a free consultation! Want to take a Virtual Assistant for a test drive? Try a 5-hour starter block for $20/hr!


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Sondra Meyer:
EXP Realty, LLC - Corpus Christi, TX
See It. Experience It. Live It.

Thank your for the tips.  On Active Rain, it is sometimes a challenge when we are writing posts - who is our most important audience?  Other Realtor's that may not really be that interested in the Localism things or potential clients that may never comment.  Thank you for reminding me that I want to keep my name associated with my community. 

May 03, 2011 06:40 PM
MichelleCherie Carr Crowe .Just Call. 408-252-8900
Get Results Team...Just Call (408) 252-8900! . DRE #00901962 . Licensed to Sell since 1985 . Altas Realty - San Jose, CA
Family Helping Families Buy & Sell Homes 40+ Years

Looks like you're doing a great series, I'll go back and start from day 1.

May 03, 2011 08:28 PM
Barbara Michaluk
Weichert Realtors | Phone Direct 240-506-2434 | 301-681-0550 office - Silver Spring, MD
Leisure World Specialist / Full Service REALTOR

Yes, writing and blogging about local events and markets is like the old way of sending out postcards to a farm area.  We become a local expert and hopefully get more leads.

May 04, 2011 12:48 AM
Gabe Sanders
Real Estate of Florida specializing in Martin County Residential Homes, Condos and Land Sales - Stuart, FL
Stuart Florida Real Estate

Renae, have you been on Localism as of late.  It's not working this morning and I haven't seen updates for a few months.

May 04, 2011 01:21 AM
Renae Bolton
Marketing 4 Realtors - Garfield Heights, OH
I'm your Professional Real Estate Marketing VA!

Nice to meet you, Sondra! (My sister's name is Sandra!) You're absolutely right - the first step is to identify who your target audience really is. Once you do that, you'll know where to focus your efforts. For some of us here, having other realtors as our primary audience works because that would be who will use our services. Other realtors should probably focus on getting outside of this community (as fantastic as it is) and stepping into our local communities instead.

Awesome, Michelle! I look forward to being stalked! Fantastic!

And it's a lot cheaper than mailing postcards, isn't it Barbara?

I've gone into a few times over the last week or so and have seen no change at all since February, Gabe. I've sent a support message to the AR Crew and once I find out anything, I'll let you knowl


May 04, 2011 06:35 AM
Maggie McFarland
RE/MAX Pearland - Maggie McFarland - Pearland, TX
Pearland Realtor, Homes for Sale in Pearland Texas

Great series! Love the tips - please keep them coming!

May 07, 2011 03:45 PM
Donna Foerster
HomeSmart Realty Group - Parker, CO
Metro Denver Real Estate Assistant

I definitely believe in the power of Localism posts. This is something I try to do often, however I could do a much better job.

Sep 10, 2014 01:16 PM