That's right, folks - tomorrow is Friday, which means that I'm doing another posting that contains ALL Facebook Friday Members' facebook pages. What IS Facebook Friday? The Facebook Fridays group is designed to promote sharing with Facebook in mind. We encourage members to visit 5 Facebook pages of Rainmakers and give them a big thumbs up each Friday. So far it's been fun! And because I'm a glutton for punishment - I've taken the task on of posting a list of everyone's page every Friday. Check out my last week's post to see what I'm talking about.
So - there's still time - I'm working on it right now and will post in the morning - if you want on the list - leave a comment below with your Facebook page link and make sure you join up to our Facebook Friday group.Then make sure you join us tomorrow to LIKE a few other members!!
Okay... back to work for me...*see? I'm making even MORE work for myself... TOTAL glutton for punishment - told ya!*