Often times people ask me, "Do I need to update my house to sell it?"
It's a good question to ask. You want to sell your home -- and you don't want to spend a lot of time with your house on the market. Updating your house will make your home more desirable. It will motivate buyers to move from the shopping stage into the action of making an offer. Homes that are updated and in pristine condition generate excitement from buyers. There is a feeling of urgency to act quickly before anyone else finds this great home. Additionally, it's no surprise that homes that are updated and move-in ready command a higher sales price than an average home that may need some fixing up.
Of course, there is always the option to sell your home as is, without investing any money into updates. In that scenario, a seller will need to take a very hard look at his competition and price his home accordingly. It can be incredibly difficult for a seller to see his unimproved home in a realistic light. When buyers see homes that need work, they start deducting dollars from the offering price and they usually round down by thousands! Stains on the carpet? That's not $300 for steam cleaning, that's a thousand or two off the offer. Funky colors in the kids bedrooms? Two gallons of paint cost under $100, but a buyer sees another $1000 off the offer price. You get the idea.
I am very protective where my client's money is concerned. When it comes to spending money on home improvements to sell your house there are specific improvements that give you the most bang for the buck without draining your bank account.
Give me a call or email me if you'd like some advice on how to make your home stand out from the rest -- I will be happy to help you in any way.