So today was a lovely day. For those who don't know - I've been away from home for a few weeks. I've been visiting my my Grandma in San Francisco. Yesterday my mom and step dad arrived here to join us. I'm headed back to Vancouver on Monday. It's been a great trip - a lovely 3 weeks spent with my 95 year old Grandma! Today we all packed in the car and headed out on a road trip - to Sonoma, California!! For those who've never been - it's a lovely little town filled with charming houses, sweet shops, lovely cafes, and of course delicious wines. We walked, we talked, we ate cheese in the park - and of course, our visit wouldn't have been complete without a lovely trip to a vineyard by the name of Sabastiani Vineyards. (AWESOME PINOT NOIR!!)
My two favorite parts of the trip (besides hanging out with my fam..) were
1) walking through the streets catching whiffs of beautiful orange blossoms - one of the sweetest scents my nose has ever feasted on.
2) Looking at the lovely homes that line the streets. Apparently - there seems to be an unwritten rule in Sonoma - outdoor chairs on the veranda are a must. Meticulously manicured lawns with lovely well cared for homes.
I loved it here - and have now added a new goal of having a vacation home smack dab in the middle of Sonoma. (I even picked up a copy of the local Homes and Land magazine to check out some of the homes for sale just for fun)
Oh my - if you've never been, you have GOT to go spend some time in this charming town - you'll love it!
Now please excuse me - I have a glass of pinot that's calling my name...