
Did you miss me?

Real Estate Agent with

condo domainHa, its been some time since I have written anything here on ActiveRain, thank you Chrissy for calling me. I do miss all the wonderful things this site has to offer!

But I do have some wonderful news! I passed my Broker's Exam this past summer and have now joined CondoDomain as the Broker of record here in South Florida! So will you be seeing more of me? You bet! This is the beginning of a wonderful relationship again here with you guys.

Thank you for still being here and for still having me! Did you miss me? You guys have grown so much! Look at the amount of members you have here!! It was only around 40,000 when I joined.

So tell me... anything exciting happen, going on? Glad to see you and meet new agents!

Jeannette Neerpat