
My Pet Peeve- Buyers Agents who refuse to give feedback.

Real Estate Broker/Owner with TradeMark Properties, Inc.

Here is my number one pet peeve. 

In my area, my listings are on a lockbox.  It is customary to call the listing agent, then show the home.  There are many, many agents who will not pick up the phone or return calls if the showing did not result in a contract.  This leaves me with nothing. I NEED to know the results of a showing, even if it was a failure.  By getting the negative feedback, I know what to do to improve the next showing....Does it need touchup paint?  Does it need to be decluttered?  Does it need new carpet?  I want to know what the feedback suggests!!!  

Does anyone else have a similar pet peave?  Let me know here. 

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Adele Irving - Easton Area Homes
Prudential Patt, White Real Estate - Easton, PA
I think agents that don't give back feedback are rude.  What does it hurt to take a minute to make a phone call or send an email.  I prefer email.  I like it when the agents send me an email and I can email them back.  It gives me time to look at my notes about which house they are asking about and its much easier than a call.  But, I do either one.
Oct 07, 2007 09:05 AM
Gary Bland
Century 21 All Islands - Lahaina, HI
It sounds like it might have been a new agent.  Some of us follow thru and we get the job done.  You can call them to see what happened.
Oct 07, 2007 09:06 AM
Brian Coe
TradeMark Properties, Inc. - Saint Simons Island, GA

Adele-  I prefer email as well

Gary-  older or newer is not the adjective that matters to me.....only good and bad agents.



Oct 07, 2007 09:11 AM
Diane Testa
Mullica Hill, NJ

I also like to get feedback when I have a listing, unfortunately agents don't like to "waste" their time or something. I try and provide feedback when it's requested. I know that I always try and make it easy too. I send emails that only require a quick reply. But most agents still don't reply. I have found however, if I send them an email every day for 3 or 4 days I get more back (eg. First request, 2nd request... etc.). They figure it's easier to respond then to keep deleting my email. I don't mean to be a pain, but it works.

Oct 07, 2007 09:11 AM
BLRGUY(Beach & Luxury Realty Inc) - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Brian,it is sometimes even impossible just to get a hold of an agent just to show a property.So,doesn't surprise me when they wont give feedback.It can be frustrating!
Oct 07, 2007 09:15 AM
Birmingham Alabama Real Estate, Stephen Wolfe - Birmingham, AL

Brian, I have to admit I am one of the feedback culprits. I used to do it religiously, but stopped when I started having agents get defensive with me about the feedback I was giving. In other words, they only wanted feel good happy feedback. I once even had a showing service send me a message because they didn't like the feedback I gave them.

However, I probably need to start again. Thanks for the nudge.

Oct 07, 2007 09:28 AM
Brian Coe
TradeMark Properties, Inc. - Saint Simons Island, GA

BLR GUY-  yes sometimes "agents" are too busy to do much of anything.  One agent told me that she worked nights at a local factory, and could only show her properties in the mornings and not on the weekends because she was "resting".  I promise you I am not making that up.  I wonder if the show schedule was mentioned in the listing appointment.

Stephen-   I am extremely sensitive to this point...I never object to feedback, and I dont try to "talk you out of" your feedback when I get it.  I will not try to sell you on the property, and I will not belittle your remarks.  All of this has happened to me as well. 



Oct 07, 2007 09:38 AM
Lania DeMers
Rocky Mountain Realty Co. - Colorado Springs, CO
Broker, Rocky Mountain Realty Co.

Feedback time is an excellent opportunity to stimulate an offer. I try to give feedback whenever I can because its courteous to do so. I do, however get annoyed when someone calls for feedback too soon after a showing, (like when you're pulling out of the driveway), or when they call my cell phone in the middle of a busy day looking for feedback.

Feedback is necessary and important. Something to remember is that certain personalities "click" more than others and chances are, your and your Seller's personalities click on some level and to some degree. If it were not so, you may not have been trusted with the listing. WHY am I saying this? Maybe most of the market doesn't see the listing the way you and the seller do. Maybe you are so much on the same page as your seller that you are both missing something key that will come from an outside observation. Feedback is totally valuable...especially in this market.

Oct 07, 2007 09:39 AM
Brian Coe
TradeMark Properties, Inc. - Saint Simons Island, GA
Lania...exactly my point.  Obviously, I do everything that I can think of to sell the home....but am I missing something?  Am I missing something that may be obvious to anyone except me?  That is why I want feedback so much, to look at the listing from an outside perspective.  Thanks for your comment. 
Oct 07, 2007 09:48 AM
Keisha Hosea-
KASI Homes - Chino Hills, CA
Real Estate Solutions For Real People


It would certainly be nice to receive feedback on a regular basis, but I have accepted that it just won't always happen. I do call the agents and ask them but alas if I don't catch them I never hear.

Oct 07, 2007 09:56 AM
Jonelle Simons
Windermere Real Estate - Park City, UT
I utilize an online sercice for my showings that automatically sends the showing agents requests for feedback.  If they still haven't responded, then I will follow up with a phone call a few days later... but the service works great!
Oct 07, 2007 10:03 AM
Jim Little
Ken Meade Realty - Sun City, AZ
Your Sun City Arizona Realtor
It is simple. If you want feedback, ask soon, tell me something about the home so after showing many I can remember which one is yours, don't argue when I do tell you. Most agents call several days later, can't help me remember the home, and argue when they hear what I have to say. I'm not interested in helping anyone under these circumstances.
Oct 07, 2007 10:14 AM
Sue Melhorn
The Bean Group - Dover, NH
Licensed in NH, ME and FL!

I do my best to provide feedback to listing agents.  I figure if I do, they will do the same for my listings.  Although rare, I do sometimes get bogged down with the day to day and don't give feedback and when I remember/get back to it, it seems too late.  I usually give my feedback in email as I can do it wireless from my laptop in front of the TV! :)

Oct 07, 2007 10:24 AM
Brian Coe
TradeMark Properties, Inc. - Saint Simons Island, GA

Jonelle, I hope you read this.  What is the online service that you use.  I have received those as well and it is good. 



Oct 07, 2007 10:25 AM
Cris Burlew
Beach & Luxury Realty, Inc. - Saint Pete Beach, FL
Broker ~ St Pete Beach FL Real Estate

Brian, I hear you! If I get a call or a note from a listing agent, I would be happy to give them my buyer's and my feedback. As a listing agent, it certainly helps us when talking to the seller about what a third party's thoughts were on their home.

What about the agents who refuse to show their properties on the weekends and won't answer their phones until Monday, when your buyer(s) are no longer available?

Oct 07, 2007 02:12 PM
Brian Coe
TradeMark Properties, Inc. - Saint Simons Island, GA
Read the above.  I related a story about an agent who said she worked at a factory on the night shift and could only show her properties in the mornings.....weekdays....she rests on the weekends.  I mean I am all for personal time, but decide once and for all if you are a real estate agent or you work nights at the factory.  There is no way to be good at both. 
Oct 07, 2007 02:52 PM
john axle
Andersonville, TN

Good agents leave feedback.

Good agents are also very busy and work theri priorities first. Leaving feedback is a non revenue producing activity. So for Listing agents you need to keep up to speed with tecnology to help your $$ making buyer agents leave feedback without wasting their time with 100 phone calls a month.


Im currently using a free service called

Oct 30, 2007 03:35 PM