
The Power of a Brand

Real Estate Agent with FunCoast Realty 386-405-4408

When I am on the road, and time comes to find a place for dinner, I struggle between venturing to a local eatery and a chain.

I would love to explore, but I am afraid of getting poor wuality food or get a poor quality of service, or both. Quite a few times I would walk into a place, sat at a table, look around, look at the menu, look at what people have on the tables, and then walk away.

I am not talking about a memorable event, and anniversary, a birthday... I would want something with more personal experience which you normally get in chains, but I do not do these things on the road, and I know where I am going and what I am getting there...

So, why chains so often win? Why, for example, I would have no problem going to Bonefish and would pass a non-chain seafood restaurant?

Because of the following:

·        I know what to expect from Bonefish Restaurant in terms of ambience

·        I know there quality of food and I know that it is not a hit and run situation, it is very consistent and you do not need to ask whether they have changed the chef since last time you ate thereTop 10 Brands

·        I know what to expect in terms of service.

·        I know what it would cost me

In a nutshell, I know that I have way less chances to walk away disappointed.

This is the power of a brand. I may have never been to this restaurant in this city, but it does not matter that much, it is Bonefish, and the differences will be much smaller than similarities.

Sounds like a simple solution. Just «invent' a brand, make everybody talking about it, grow the chain (or franchise) and retire early and write memoirs. Of course, you have to be on top. Best if you can make it to top 10 brands in the world.

Like these 10 brands reigning the world.

*  I regret to say it, but I have not received any compensation from anyone to write this, not even a piece of fish from Bonefish... It upsets me, so next time I may go to Carrabas...

Cindy Logan
Mark 1 Real Estate Advisors - Huntington Beach, CA

Jon, you missed one.  You know the quality of the food and that chains have cleanliness standards.  That's what usually pushes me over.  However, on Mother's Day, I got Starbucks by Crystal Cove; then saw a line out the door at the bakery next door.  I think I chose poorly; the locals knew something I didn't know.

May 12, 2011 12:26 PM
Kristal Wilson
KB Home - Fontana, CA
Cause We Like 'Em New ~ New Home Specialist!

Jon ~ I guess we both fall into the trap of brand recognition and sometimes we may miss out on really great local food because we are afraid of the disappointment.

May 12, 2011 01:01 PM
Jon Zolsky
FunCoast Realty 386-405-4408 - Ponce Inlet, FL
your Daytona Condo Agent

Cindy - true. It is just a matter of numbers. You can get burned on unknnown places way more times  than on reputable chains

May 13, 2011 04:45 AM
Jon Zolsky
FunCoast Realty 386-405-4408 - Ponce Inlet, FL
your Daytona Condo Agent

Kristal - yes, but when I am taking client out, there are very few places I choose, as I do not want to experiment, I want them to love the food.


May 13, 2011 04:46 AM