
Technology and your business

Real Estate Agent with GMAC Real Estate Premier Network

I know that many of our fellow agents are fighting the advances in technology and how it affects our business tooth and nail. I believe that thier greatest fear is that these developments will depersonalize what we do. This couldn't be farther from reality.

Technology, whether in the form of blogging, personal web pages, a PDA, a laptop, or simply owning a mobil phone is not only here to stay but will continue to evolve and we, Realtors, must evolve with it or risk becoming extinct. Let's face it, statisitcs have shown that the majority of buyers are looking on the WEB first, thus our sellers will demand a WEB presence. When a buyer sees the home they want (when I say see it better be from multiple pictures at the least) they will also want to contact us immediately to have thier questions answered right then if not sooner, so we better be connected! We can no longer justify our commissions to our sellers simply by putting a sign in the yard and a tiny 3 line black & white picture in Sunday's Home section. We need to be tech savy or at the very least have access to the current marketing techniques used. The old adage definitly applies here that if you don't your competition will.....and soon they won't have you for competition!

But enough of my ranting...Let's all keep our brains active and move forward into this new frontier of high tech Real Estate and be successful!

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» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator - Fort Myers, FL


Welcome to the group Realtors of The Universe Unite.  I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts there.

Technology is there.  People do look on the web first.  You need to CATCH 'EM on the Web.

Oct 12, 2007 09:47 AM
KC Coonc
Windermere Real Estate/Whatcom, Inc. - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham Commercial Real Estate
Well said. I still occasionally run in to an agent that doesn't use a cell phone or email. Less in the last couple of years. Retirement has over run a lot of the "old way".
Oct 12, 2007 09:59 AM
Donna Saylor & Carolyn Mitchell The Power of TWO!
GMAC Real Estate/Premier Network - Collegeville, PA


Occasionally all that technology makes us crazy but we wouldn't have it any other way. It is amazing to think... as we drive buyers around following our GPS directions, pulling up comps or current listings using wireless connections, all the while setting up more showings from our cell phones...How did agents work this business with only a landline and an MLS book?!  Give us the technology...we can always turn it off when down time is needed.

Oct 12, 2007 02:57 PM
Richard Schardt
Keller Williams Realty - Kernersville, NC
Triad NC Real Estate

Steve,You have stated this very well, I completely agree. It is essential to have a strong online presence for all the reasons you mentioned, especially the need to respond quickly.

May 17, 2008 02:36 PM