
My House is Worth What I am Asking!

Real Estate Agent with Prime Plus Real Estate, Inc.

Well.....Yes and No.


It may be worth what you are asking- To You.  But to Buyer's, Aprraisers, and Buyer's Realtors, Maybe Not. 

In today's market, you will probably not like to hear the truth about your own home.  Prices are not what they used to be one to two years ago.  Prices are still on a down hill slide in Florida and Nationwide. 

Some people have a hard time with the truth.  Especially when it comes to their own home, the place they have lived in for many years.  Their are alot of emotions and feelings involved with the sale of a homestead.  Not to mention the years of hard work and improvements homeowner's have made to their homes.

There must be a happy median to compromise on what seller's think they should get and what Realtors Need to price it at in Today's Market.

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Karen Webster...Grand Rapids, MI Realtor
5 Star Real Estate, Grand Rapids MI - Grand Rapids, MI

Yeah, Carrie, let us know when you find the "happy median." 

A home is worth what a buyer will pay for it, and what a bank will loan for it.  An early bank appraisal can make your life easier when it comes to sellers and realistic prices. 

Oct 08, 2007 08:51 AM
Lance Winslow
Excellent point Carrie, as homeowners have an intrensic value (love) for their properties that may or may not be the same as the buyer, so the actual value is what someone will pay for the property, and no more. Lance
Feb 28, 2008 03:33 AM