We have just lowered our minimum credit score down to 600 for FHA purchases and Refinances with excellent pricing. We are also doing conventional loans down to a 620.... IF you have a client who has been turned down due to credit score, please contact me for a quick pre-approval. We are a direct lender and have the ability to close in 10 business days or less!
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Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management - Tracy, CA
Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate
now if you could only refinance all us people who's mortgages are at 7+% and 50% upside down.
May 18, 2011 05:12 PM
LSI Mortgage Plus - Arnold, MO
I wish I could. That being said, There are a couple of programs that will basically ignore the value of your home on a refinance. If your current loan is serviced by fannie mae or freddie mac, there is a good chance you could qualify. Odds are if your current loan is not an FHA Loan or serviced by a small credit union or local bank that this may work for you. I am doing a ton of these loans with appraisal waivers that without a doubt owe more than what the home is worth. Let me know if I can help. It only takes a few minutes to find out if this is an option for you or not.
May 19, 2011 01:33 PM