Hello everyone, this is the first post of my blog about Mohave County which includes Kingman, Bull Head City and Lake Havasu City Arizona. As a realtor serving this area there's alot going on and I hope to do my best in providing the information to fellow realtors, investors and land owners.
Real estate in general is a wait to see what happens in the future for prices going up and prices going down. Some times you can beat the timing and you're a hero. Other times you get in and watch the wave go on by and you're not on it. It seems based on many news reports and interviews that this latest market trends of prices dropping and inventory levels increasing, sub-prime lender issues etc. that this wave may have gotten on by. So what do you do... watch for the next wave. How do you tell when the next wave is coming and where will it be at? Unless you're at the right place and the right time look to the reports of development and commercial growth, new highways, interchanges, bridges. It's happening in many smaller towns only it's tough to get the information. Locals know about them. Realtors that are watching know and are attempting to get the word outside their areas. But it still takes a savey investor to spot the opportunity and dig deeper. Well as an expert in the area of Kingman, Golden Valley, White Hills and Mohave County I'm here to point you toward an opportunity. Now you're probably saying to yourself, what makes this guy an expert? How does he have the info and is he right about it? To give some background on myself as it relates to the area. I wrote the book. The Mohave County, AZ Road Guide was an endeavor that I took on specifically with investors, owners and Realtors in mind. And the book turned out better than I expected. Over 6500 square miles, about the same size as the state of Connecticut. Every thing in the book is color coded and indexed. After 2000 hours, 6 months and 10,000 miles of driving the book was published and released on June 4th of 2007. There has never been anything like it ever done for the county. I'm also a Realtor specializing in land and commercial. Residential is nice when there's alot of them however land and commercial really are the areas I've choosen. Now getting back to the opportunity, or the wave... Find a location that's building alot in a small area. New people are going to be coming to build and do the construction. New businesses promote growth of other businesses thus more people. Economic activities in localized areas change the dynamics of growth and development. You're not going to see it on the evening news. How many small communities are building. Just got to do your homework, you've got to find a Realtor that knows whats going on. This blog will attempt to give you new growth information on the area, why the area is important to the region and the US and be a focal point for Mohave County land owners. Anyone wishing to get a hold of me for more information can contact me through http://www.mohavecoland.com/. So finally here's what's going on... In the next few weeks and months there will be over $500 million dollars in construction projects commencing. The announcement of a 2.2 million square foot commercial center, the first for Kingman was announced at the Mohave County Fair, 1000 room hotel, 192,000 square foot convention center, a 250,000 to 500,000 square foot high technology center, new shops, new galleries and new restaurants. There was an announcement of the start of a new 105-bed Acute Care Hospital to begin in the next few months. There's the 160 unit multi-family property being built along with a new 400 unit apartment complex to commence in the next few months. Just outside of Kingman is a 175MWh power plant soon to be built and the Wal-Mart Distribution Center that had been delayed looks as if it'll get off the ground starting in January. Finally you have to see what's going on around Kingman. The Hoover Dam Bypass bridge will be completed by October 2010 and ADOT released over 132 million dollars for the expansion of the first 17 miles into Mohave County. In all, new construction to the amount that Kingman has never seen. Homes on the market right now are about 1,000 to 1,200. Kingman's location in regards to the southwest makes it the central hub for a 4-state area and it's on the CANAMEX Highway, the route for Canada, US, and Mexico trading partners.
For investors, home buyers and developers of commercial and multi-family now is the time to be taking a serious look at Kingman. Come on back and visit here for more information on Mohave County and Kingman Arizona. Thanks.