
Looking for a truthful answer...probably wont get one but here goes........

Real Estate Broker/Owner with TradeMark Properties, Inc.

Would anyone from Prudential talk about the impact of the Yahoo partnership?  What have you seen happen since the partnership....What is the overall quality of the leads that you receive....How much did Prudential pay for this(taking a chance).....Is it more work? 


I would appreciate answers, but I will understand if you dont care to comment.



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Ray Saenz
Exit Realty Laredo - Laredo, TX
Homes for Sale in Laredo, TX - Texas, Realtor


I did not know about it, thanks for the info / update , I will find out more about it :) keep the good blog :P

ray saenz


Oct 08, 2007 04:42 PM
Laurie Manny
Long Beach CA Real Estate - Long Beach, CA

There is something inherently wrong with Realtors paying for marketing and advertising both with time and dollars, placing listings on sites that sell their leads back to their broker so that the broker can sell the leads back to the agents for a 35% referral fee.  10% to the broker; Corporate and Yahoo split 25%.  Yes that is a 35% referral fee and their split so after you pay Uncle Sam there is not much left.  Imagine the benefit to a seller having a listing referred to a newer agent, after paying the 35%, their split and taxes what is left to market their property?  The leads are not high quality leads from what I observed, but i only checked it out for about a week, I generate more and better leads on my own from blogging.  

Oct 08, 2007 07:25 PM