As the Christmas Season fast approaches, The Barrie Home Inspector, has pledged all fees collected from home and WETT inspections for the week of Dec 15th to 20th inclusive. All fees will be donated to RVH Regional Cancer Center who will be sending out a letter of recognition to each person who participates.

With the aid of local Realtors and Home Inspection clients, The Barrie Home Inspector hopes to raise between three and four thousand dollars to donate to this worthy cause. As a long term resident of the area The Barrie Home Inspector is proud to be able to give back to the community and in keeping with the Christmas spirit hopes to make this an annual event.

View RVH Regional Cancer Poster

Even though all funds are being donated you still receive the premier inspection package that has been an industry leader, and includes:

Free WETT inspection for your wood stoves or fireplaces;

Free Thermal Imaging Scan of the insulation and openings;

Money-Back guarantee, good for 30 days after you take possession; and

Our own Fair Pricing Policy which allows you to only pay for the services you are receiving.

Unfortunately we will only be booking up to twenty inspections for the one week period so I apologize in advance to any individual that misses out on the opportunity to help the community and urge you to contribute in other ways for those less fortunate or are in need this holiday season.


Roger Frost

Napoleon Home Inspections

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Cell phone   705-795-8255
Toll Free      888-818-8608