
How do I get a copy of my DD214 so I can get a VA Loan?

Real Estate Agent with Cascade Home Sales, Inc.

How to obtain a copy of your DD214

You must have your DD214 if you want to get a VA Loan.  Many Veterans have lost their DD214 or simply can't remember where they put it.  Here's a tip on a place to look for it, check inside an old Bible you've had for years.  Sounds like an odd place but it seems to be one of the most common places Veterans put it when they get out.

If you still can't find it go to the following website;  Once you get there go to "Launch the eVetRecs System to start your request Online".  Another suggestion would be to print out the SF-180 and mail it in. This is located on the same website right next to the online form.  Do both of these processes to ensure that you get it.  It does not take months to get a copy.  It will normally take about three to four weeks.  Believe it or not, it's pretty fast.

Statement of Service in place of a DD214

If you are on active duty you probably don't have a copy of your DD214.  In this case you will need a Statement of Service which just needs to signed by your Company Commander.  The Statement of Service can be completed on your computer and must have your name, social, rank, date of service and that you are still in the military.  Make sure it's printed out on your unit letterhead and have it signed and your Lender can get your Certificate of Eligibility with it. 


Victor Runkle

Posted by

Victor Runkle
Real Estate Managing Broker

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Charlie Ragonesi - Big Canoe, GA
Homes - Big Canoe, Jasper, North Georgia Pros

Good post and many doing VA for the first time do not know this. this is good info thanks. I tell the folks to go on line and they can get the document they need

May 25, 2011 04:33 AM
Kathleen Vetrano
RE/MAX Gateway - Falls Church, VA
Helping YOU Achieve YOUR Dreams

Important information for Veterans needing to locate the VA certififcate for a VA loan.

May 25, 2011 04:35 AM
Victor Runkle
Cascade Home Sales, Inc. - Vancouver, WA
VA Real Estate Agent


A lot of Veterans think they can't get a VA Loan because they lost their DD214 and that there is no way to get another copy of it.  I always ask buyers if they are going VA and I'm always surprised at how many say No because they lost their DD214.  This is the only way to get it and it's pretty fast.


Keep the Veterans informed with this and you'll probably close some deals with VA buyers.  This information is not communicated very well to Veterans when they get out of the service.  When you help a Veteran get a copy of their DD214 they will always remember your name.

May 25, 2011 04:51 AM