
Get a FHA loan with little to no money down

Mortgage and Lending with Loan Officer-Amerifirst Financial (0013635) Arizona & Utah




There are so many different loans to choose from: FHA, Conventional, USDA, Homepath, VA, and many others. How do you know what loan to choose and why? The best way is to call a loan officer to discuss your situation and they will help you choose the best option for you. I like the FHA loan for many reasons, here are a few benefits and how they can help you:Get a FHA loan with little to no money down

FHA only requires 3.5% down payment- The best part about this is the down payment can be gifted to you from a family member, making this a zero down payment loan.

Non-occupant co-borrowers- THIS ONE IS A BIGGIE! This is a great option for a parent to help their children qualify for a loan. The child is the borrower and the parent is the co-signer, this is a great for kids who are in college or are trying to get established. This is still a primary residence for the borrower and the co-signer is not required to occupy the property.

FHA allows you to qualify for a loan with medical collections on your credit report. Unlike most other loans you can qualify for a FHA mortgage with up to $5,000 in unpaid medical collections.

FHA is so much more forgiving towards how long you have to wait after a Bankruptcy or Foreclosure-

                                             FHA                                               Conventional

Bankruptcy:                        2 years                                                  4 years

Foreclosure:                       3 years                                                  7 years


If you would like some more information regarding a FHA or any other loan in Arizona or Utah please don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Nate Herd

Loan Officer

Amerifirst Financial, Inc.

Get a FHA loan with little to no money down

4550 East Bell Road #163

Phoenix, AZ  85032

Office: 602-707-6002

Cell:    602-321-3090

Fax:    602-707-6032



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Michelle Gibson
Hansen Real Estate Group Inc. - Wellington, FL

Nate - FHA loans are a great option for buyers.

Jun 02, 2011 04:24 PM