Hi welcome to this opinion of this day in my office
Being a single woman in my office, I have a few times had the men or women here compelled somehow to tell me about their marital or non marital woes. Of course I have only 5 words of advise, which is" get out and move on".
We're here in this life to live and be happy, hopefully for most of you out there...If I look at my own life, I am quite content to be single. Having had my loves over the years, some still friends, others just a faded memory, I can honestly say I have no regrets or complaints. Didn't really want a family, so that issue never hit me as it has some of my single girlfriends. I really believe that you are in charge of your own happiness. If you find yourself in an unhappy situation, get out. It's complicated, you have children, animals, a house together, you don't want to be lonely. The reality is.... do you really want to wake up at 60 and be in your unhappy life. The answer in NO. The small amount of uncomfortable time you will spend getting yourself out of an undesirable situation will be worth it's weight in gold in the long run. It's not selfish, it is just life and you and everyone in this world is entitled to a happy one.
Make your move...it's up to you