Special offer


Real Estate Broker/Owner with Coast Counties Realty

The historical low made November 2009 ($4,781/WFft) was tested last December ($6,044/WFft), and the six sales since average $21,275 WFft-including two in March and April that closed above $30,000/WFft.  The two pending sales average $9,484/WFft, and of the eight properties for sale (average $27,535/WFft), only two are priced under market.  The average sale price of the last six months ($1,591,875) is 16 percent above the average of the last 24 months.  During the past six months, market activity has ramped up-nine new listings, eight closed sales, discounts (from last list price) have dwindled to about 10 percent, and new listing prices have increased 29 percent.

Get the details... http://www.coastcountiesrealty.com/Reports/RI1.htm

Riviera Isle