I do not see an immediate turn-around in the lending and credit markets. It will remain tight for the foreseeable future and may actually get tougher. We will see inflation continue to be a factor, especially in real estate.
I am seeing a loosening up from the Big 5 with regards to development lending. Its not what it used to be (Thank God), but there is activity.
As we all know, Asia is sitting on a lot of cash and so are their citizens. Many of them want to own real estate, but do not want the upkeep. I've been working with a group in Singapore to take advantage of this as we speak. I am gearing several of my larger projects towards a structure that provides the Asian investor with the security of ownership, while providing the US developer with the capital and control to develop the project. This works in Central and South America as well.
There are still great deals out there for buyers in the real estate world. Send me an email and I'll show you the way.
HUD is still cranking out great terms and my great partners and investor stable are providing great bridge products to get us there.
Have a great weekend.