
Master Mind with Us in Redding CA

Services for Real Estate Pros with Marketing with Kate

Master-Mind Alliance is bringing its successful DONE Business Solution to Redding, Ca.     Founded over 30 years ago, by Richard Paris Borough, Ph.D. the Master-Mind Alliance has helped hundreds of small businesses succeed.  Given the challenging economy, we wanted to bring a group to Redding so that local business can enjoy the same benefits and success.

Statistics from the Small Business Administration show that only one of three new businesses lasts beyond the third year of operation. Two-thirds close their doors forever. This is only part of the story. Many of the businesses that remain open past year three struggle needlessly because business people tend to go it alone, then get lost in distraction, become overwhelmed by the minutia of the details, and drown in the tyranny of the urgent.  Soon their strategies no longer produce results that match up with their intentions, and they get unhappy.

The Master-Mind Alliance program is an antidote to this no-planning syndrome and the dreadful consequences of failure and settling for less. The Master-Mind Alliance is an on-going, continuous improvement planning process that builds DONE Businesses, businesses that work like they’re supposed to, that produce profits, even in a down economy, and give those who operate them something priceless: Predictability.


The Master-Mind Alliance offers a combination of education, masterminding, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen members business and personal skills. The goal is to help those who run businesses accelerate their performance and overcome any behaviors (or high stress factors) that may be undermining their personal and professional success. Business owners, managers, and professionals all benefit from the power of the Master-Mind Alliance.


Visit for details on our program.


The Redding Master-Mind Alliance is holding a no cost informational meeting in Redding:

·         Date:   Tuesday, June 14

·         Time:  9 am to 12 pm

·         Location:   Oxford Suites.  1967 Hilltop Drive, Redding, Ca

·         Cost:  No Cost


You will leave this meeting with several powerful business development strategies with which to make your business better immediately.    Only 20 seats are available and reservations are required.


Reserve your seat at  or contact  Graham Skinner at 530.343.4012 or Kate Bourland at 530-638-3328.    



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I am Kate Bourland. I help people like you get out of debt. Debt Settlement, Mortgage Acceleration, and practical suggestions for eliminating debt. Call for a Free Debt Evaluation.

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Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Kate, nice to see you back how was your sabbatical from AR? BTW Lot's of changes since you were away.... I missed all your great posts. I have most of them book marked for future comprehension and implementation. Welcome back

May 26, 2011 06:06 PM
Kate Bourland
Marketing with Kate - Redding, CA
Onlilne Marketing Mobile Marketing

Hi Endre, thank you.  It's nice to be back.  It's been an amazingly busy time.  Do tell about the changes.  Has Localism changed?  This post was supposed to post to Localism and it didn't?

May 26, 2011 07:03 PM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Send me an e-mail to  and I will fill you in:)))

May 26, 2011 08:15 PM