
The problem with electronic newsletters

Real Estate Agent with Bettina Clairmont

I send out a monthly newsletter to all my tax clients and real estate clients by email. Every month I add another personalized article, rather than just choosing one from the list the newsletter company provides.

The way the newsletter arrives in my clients' email inbox is as a link. And that seems to be a bit of an issue. I have noticed that many of my clients don't click on the link. They feel overwhelmed with the flood of email they receive every day and just discard emails with links. The reason I know this is, because when I meet with my clients and mention my newsletter to them they give me a blank stare.

How do other agents get around this dilemma? Do you send out newsletter in print? Or do you use a newsletter company where the email shows the newsletter directly rather than showing a link to it?

Comments are greatly appreciated.

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Cyndy Sujarit
Prudential California Realty - Chino Hills, CA
Great Post.  I look forward to reading more of your blogs.
Oct 10, 2007 03:14 AM
Allen C. Wright
RealtyU - Aliso Viejo, CA
I use teaser articles that are text only and then a link ... 1-2 paragraphs about the main article to gain interest.  See  as an example
Oct 10, 2007 03:30 AM
Amber Riviere
Brown Bug, LLC - Covington, LA

Hey Bettina (pretty name, btw),

I just started a newsletter service for real estate agents this month.  The premiere issue went out yesterday, and so far, the response has been great.  Several of the readers have opened the email multiple times, and they're clicking through to the full articles from the excerpts (again, some of them multiple times).  I'm a broker, so I use it for my clients, and I've received a lot of positive feedback.  Another agent who uses the service emailed me yesterday to say that she's getting great responses, too.  It looks to be a hit.  You can check it out here or at my blog here on AR.

Oct 18, 2007 04:31 AM
Simon Payn
Ready to Go Newsletters - Toronto, ON
Ready to Go Newsletters

Email deliverability is becoming a huge problem. First, we all get so much. Second, a lot of newsletters get caught in spam filters.

That's why I recommend print (and produce a print newsletter). It's more expensive, but the return on investment is usually much higher.


Dec 16, 2007 08:05 AM
The Niche Agent
The Niche Agent
Your Niche Is Our Niche

Speaking of "Newsletters", check out the awesome interview I did with Linda Schneider of Fast Newsletters on The Niche Agent. We talk about the most important things you should know when creating a newsletter, the value it can bring and why they are a simple yet effective strategy to grow your business.

May 28, 2014 10:16 AM