
Fox News-Texas-President Bush

Real Estate Agent with Kirby Smith Realty
I was listening to Fox News this morning and a woman was commenting on the Supreme Court case about the Illegal alien that was accused of murder.  I know a little about the case, but not much at all.  What got me was the woman used to be a clerk in one of the Supreme Court Judge's office.  She said Texans would not vote for Bush if he ran for Govenor at this time.  How the heck does she know how we would vote, and how can she comment on how all Texans feel. 
The question is why in the world would anyone watch FOX for NEWS?  They really don't give a true picture now do they.
Oct 10, 2007 03:47 AM
Scot Thrapp
Coastal Palmetto Realty - Conway, SC
This reminds me of how people speak on the behalf of everyone else, the lady should comment on how and what she would do and not what the state would do
Oct 10, 2007 03:55 AM
Mary Warren
Las Vegas, NV

To anonoyomous (1st reply)...I watch FOX news all the's the only way to get the 'true picture', watch local news, world news and then Fox news and get all views...then make my own decision. As for speaking for all Texans...I agree...this lady has NO right to give a blanket comment like that...I'd say if Bush could run again...he'd win.....just my opinion.  (I DO NOT AGREE wiith everything he says/stands for)

Oct 10, 2007 04:18 AM
victoria beads

You are so right. I don't want my children listening to, learning, or deciding based on study of diverse perspectives.  Those who want to provide such knowledge are sent from the Mother Ship in order to vaccinate our off-spring with"Make Up Your Own Mind" serum. I am frightened of the result such information could have on my lifestyle. What if I didn't belong to a country club? Who would I socialize with. What would happen to my golf game? I could never resort to socializing with those who are divorced or have children that are in trouble. Keep up the good work, and please don't deprive us of your intellectual viewpoint. VB 

Apr 21, 2009 09:51 AM