I just found this paragraph really funny and I had to share it with you... I hope none of you do this...
" Consider this true story, related by John Donohue, a law professor who in 2001 was teaching at Stanford University: "I was just about to buy a house on the Stanford campus," he recalls, " and the seller's agent kept telling me what a good deal I was getting because the market was about to zoom. As soon as I signed the purchase contract, he asked me if I would need an agent to sell my previous Stanford house. I told him that I would porbably try to sell without an agent, and he replied ' John, that might work under normal conditions, but with the market tanking now, you really need the help of a broker.'" Within five minutes, a zooming market had tanked"...
Please don't do this... be honest with your clients. They can see right through you!
Excerpt from Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner