Hi guys, I'm just stopping by for a few minutes to drop off my new June wallpaper/calendar that you can use, edit or give away on any of your own sites / blogs.
The image above is a preview of this month's wallpaper/calendar we're giving away on my website It's a pencil sketch of a recent painting titled The Beauty of Geometry # 3...
If you'd like to use this image on your own blog or site, you can either download it and give it away as is or feel free to add your own text. As always... People do not download wallpapers to see advertising on their computer screens so... less is more, keep it simple.
Here is an example...
You can use just about any graphics editor to add your own text to this calendar/wallpaper. I wrote some tutorials about this back in August 2008 and I'll be doing more updated tutorials about graphics soon.
The only thing I ask is that you don't edit my painting, name or domain.
Other than that you're welcome to...
- use it on any of your websites or blogs
- as a give away by email or as a download directly from your site/blog
- you can add your name, domain or whatever you like
P.S. Because of the insane amount of spam, self promotion, etc... being posted by various vendors and suppliers, this group is going back to it's original intention (see group guidelines) as a place for "for real estate agents and brokers who want to share their real world marketing ideas and experience". We don't have time to waste moderating and filtering out all the spammy stuff.
If you have additional topics you'd like to see covered or would like more information about custom graphics, themes or to book a 1 on 1 consultation to create or customize your WordPress or ActiveRain blogs, you can reach me here Later...
For more info about how we can help you stand out from the crowd, contact GiselleStCyr@garaughty.com