RED News
With all the NEWS about the NEWS, I thought I'd pass on this article from The Denver Post
Keller Williams Agents Honor Fallen Soldiers at Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver, CO.
Every year each Keller Williams office sponsors an event called RED DAY.
Our office wanted to recognize veterans at Ft Logan National Cemetery by updating the landscaping at 2 of the entrances and revitalizing many other flower beds. We spent many days clearing, mulching, and on May 12th planted flowers and trees at the 2 entrances. As the picture in the article shows, we were a bit wet and muddy!!! As we finished the project, the Sun came out, Gotta love Colorado weather!!!
It was great to be recognized for this event!
PS This is a great example of local news, because this is where we live!
Buying or Selling a home is very personal, and so whatever the news is on the national level, it really comes down to the person and what they need, want, and can do! So as real estate agents, our job is to help you find what you are looking for in the area you want and give you the facts and relevant information to make your move!