
Fish Tales

Real Estate Sales Representative with Sutton Group -West Coast Realty v52729

Hello and welcome again,

 I am still reeling from my visit to an 18M property the other day. The owner invited my colleague and I in to view the gardens on the grounds. He had an enormous "fish pond" with gorgeous Koi of all colors.  No sooner than we had entered this property, in drove the Koi Broker. As we chatted about these beautiful fish, the Broker told me he had known one to sell for over 100,000! Not in this particular pond however, but still, I had no idea they could run that high. They can outlive humans too!

I was immediately drawn to the white one with the blood red circle at top of it's head.  Much like the Japanese flag. This type is called Tancho.

There are many varieties as I found from surfing the Internet. The picture here is of a Kin Gin Rin ( highly reflective sparkly scales) variety. The scales on this one seem to sparkle gold. Apparently Koi that shine like  silvery diamonds from head to tail are most highly valued. Still looking for a picture of that one...

Gin means silver in Japanese, not pronounced like the drink btw. The G is  pronounced as the g in Gain, so G + in. Hopefully you can see the sparkly sheen on this beauty. I have always admired these fish but now even more so as I find out just how prized they can be.

Don't be fooled however, you can purchase certain varieties for as low as 40.00. Very attainable for your garden pond.

At the end of the day, two good contacts were made! I have not been able to get a hold of this Koi guy, but with his permission I will blog his contact info later for those of you interested?
