
Why scoop the pooP?

Home Inspector with WWW.ExecutiveRestoration.Com 10-0039724

Did you know that cleaning up pet waste, pet droppings is not only good for your health but good for our environment?

Did you know that in Mecklenburg County that we have over a quarter of a million dogs and these dogs are producing in excess of more than 72,000 pounds of droppings each day?

Did you know that if you do not take care of animal waste in your yard that it gets transported to strom drains which then goes to your local water ways without being treated?

Did you know that there is bacteria, viruses, parasites that are in pet waste which can also be harmful to human health? You never want to walk without shoes in your back yard if you have an animal.  Why, you mind end up with some thing like hook worm or some other kind of worms in your body.  Kinda gross huh?

When you take your animal for a walk are you using a leash and are you cleaning up the waste from your dog with a bag so others may not step on it while walking?

Have you applied lime to your yard this year?  This will really help if you have animals.

I used to have a boxer given to me by the Carolina Panthers and my dogs was stolen but the police got him back only the dog was stolen again.  This time for good.  He was my buddy and I really miss Dino my boxer.

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Patricia Aulson
Realtor - Portsmouth NH Homes-Hampton NH Homes

Thanks for the good post today. 


Patricia/SEacoast NH & ME

Jun 04, 2011 10:01 AM