
How many lots have sold in Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 since January 1, 2010?

Real Estate Agent with Realty Executives Associates 00292515

How many lots have sold in Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 since January 1, 2010?

Since January 1, 2010, 39 lots sold in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 31 of those sold in 2010, an average of 2.58 per month. That rate has decrease somewhat this year. In 2010, the briskest sales were in Rarity Ridge and Crossroads. The average list price was $39,877 and the average sale price was $35,431. The lowest sale price was $7,500 and the highest was $79,400. These sold in an average 280 days.

In the established neighborhoods, 4 sold, the lowest price was $16,500 and the highest was $49,000.

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Stanley Stepak
Howard Hanna - Avon Lake, OH - Avon Lake, OH
Realtor - Avon Lake, Avon, Bay Village, Westlake,

I dont know but I think that is pretty good numbers from where I am standing.  Happy sales over there.

Jun 07, 2011 04:02 PM