
Famine for the next 7 years?

Real Estate Agent with eXp Realty of California Inc. DRE #01723599

I've been contemplating on this questions for the last few months.."If the market stayed the same or got worse for the next 7 years will I be okay?"


WOW!? What a blow right in the stomach.... I'm already tired.


Well, hold on to your hats because it may just be a reality. Looking at what governement and our world economy in the last 3 years and what has been accomplished this can possibly happen.


As my Pastor says, "If you knew that GOD is coming next month, why stop the sin now.  You should have been prepared from time you became a  follower of Christ." (Or something to that affect.)


So my preach for today, "Get Prepared!" Because if you think its been hard in the last 3 years, you've haven't seen nothing yet.


5 Tips to get yourself Prepared & Back in Business

1. Stop the Whinning. & Shape up that attitide......If your Attitude Sucks...... Fix it!

Also, Turn off the TV, Cable, News, Netflix & Non-Propuctive activities.... NOW.

2. Ask everyone for Business and pass out your business cards. You have them for a reason. When was the last time you passed one out.

Go to family events, parties, community events, Starbucks.. "I don't have any money?"

??? Use Facebook - Its called a Social Networks, so be Social, Duh?

3. Stop spending on fancy advertisements unless you know your marketing business plan and your budget. Your gonna need those funds in other areas of your business, like MLS membership, lockbox, gas, car maintenance, etc...

(If you single father like me, no room for error.)

Plenty of FREE places on the internet: Yelp, Facebook, Linkedin, Google Places, Bing, Yahoo-Local, etc..... FREEEEEEEEEEEEE I said, FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... And by the way. They work pretty good.

O Yeah!!! You run a business, so that means you can't spend 80 percent of your time here in this area.

4. Use the phone - 'Go Direct' (just how we like to do our 'Showings').

Pick up the phone and just go by the numbers. We are in a numbers game, make 5 calls a day.

"Hey Joe, this is Jeffrey deJESUS. How are you? The reason for this call, if you don't already know I'm in real estate. And I am looking for your support? We are in a very interesting time and I'd love to help people....Are you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell real estate? brother, sister, friend uncle or aunt?....... Okay Joe, thanks and I will follow up with you next week and get a list of referrals from you then. Take care, and give my regards to Jane & the Kids."     Five calls a day x 20 days in a month.... Wow!? 100 calls = ???$$$???

5. Work Hard......... (Have Faith...Love GOD... HE will make the way... But you must do your part.)


It time for my coffee:)




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Paul Lesieur
203kloanmn - North Oaks, MN

You know, I hate to agree with you but I do agree. Were just starting to feel the pain and the real adjustments are still waiting to happen.

On the other hand, there is always opportunity. Look for that.

Jun 08, 2011 08:15 AM
Jennifer Chiongbian
Specializing in all types of Manhattan apts & townhouses - Manhattan, NY
Real Estate Broker - NYC

I try to forget about the future and focus on today when it comes to bad news.  Stick my nose to the grindstone and forget about these complaints and focus on my gratitute.

Jun 08, 2011 08:15 AM
Paul Lesieur
203kloanmn - North Oaks, MN

I am with Jennifer, her approach makes sense and may keep you sane.

Or, just float downstream hoping things work out.

Jun 08, 2011 08:44 AM