We ran into this short whitepaper this morning on AllFacebook.com by no other than Facebook and BrightEdge.
The whitepaper is titled "Facebook For Social SEO: Best Practices To Drive Organic Search Performance With Facebook." It's a quick and easy read and embedded below.
One of the tips is linking to your Facebook Business Page from your website and blog by carefully selecting your link's anchor test.
Here is an example: rather than linking "RealBird Facebook Page" on this post, I will select RealBird Real Estate Technology on Facebook for the anchor text in order to place some relevant keywords in the link's text itself. Easy enough. Most people, including us have a tendency of simply linking "Fan us on Facebook" or similar general terms on their websites. Having some variation of these texts with actual, targeted keywords (your geography, the words real estate etc.) makes a lot of sense. We will update our links for sure.
Talking about social SEO: We will write an overview of the new Google +1 product soon. It is already integrated with the RealBird single property websites
-- Zoltan