
Get Rid of Clutter Now and Save Time Later

Real Estate Agent with First Team Real Estate Inc.

ClutterHow many times have you moved in your life?

Close your eyes and remember the feeling…you get the big, bulky pieces of furniture, appliances and other items out of the way and then you realize it's time for the real work.

You have your work cut out for you with all of the clutter and miscellaneous bits and pieces that will either need to be given away, sold, boxed up or thrown away.  This is typically the most tedious and time-consuming part of the moving process.

Even if you’re not planning on moving anytime soon, take some time on a weekend or day off and organize (or get rid of) the unwanted clutter in your home.  Take your time, one room at a time and you will be amazed at the space you create with just this task.

Paper clutter is the biggest culprit, so organize and file your documents, find a home for missing game pieces and organize photos into albums.   Once you get started and see the space you're creating (ahh, room to breathe) you may find yourself organizing your books, cd’s and DVD’s.  Put on some music and have fun with it.

Clean home room at time.  It’s tedious work for sure, but it wi

ll do two things for you:

1)  You will open up rooms and create more space in your own home.

2)  You will save yourself some major time if/when the time comes where you are putting your home on the market.

If you need some additional help and advice on de-cluttering, click here for ideas and help from


For more help and hints, just call me...your Beach Areas Specialist at             562-244-8021      , visit my or visit me on Facebook.


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Kristen Wheatley
Better Homes & Gardens | The Masiello Group - Brunswick, ME
Supporting Success - Best Job in the World!

So true Ann!  Kind of ironic that it seems to be something we all put off, but also something that can be incredibly rewarding!  Thanks for the reminder.  I started a while ago, but then got distracted again.  TIme to get back at it.

Jun 08, 2011 09:22 AM
Ann Stefanucci

Hey Kristen!  I always kept putting the effort off till "tomorrow" and then I went to my Mom's!!!  50 years of stuff!!!  You can imagine what it's like to clean out all their collectibles and those things they "might" need!!  It's kind of fun and sad at rthe same time!  Thanks for your thoughts.  A

Jun 08, 2011 01:56 PM
Kristen Wheatley
Better Homes & Gardens | The Masiello Group - Brunswick, ME
Supporting Success - Best Job in the World!

LOL!  I know exactly what you mean.  I have to keep my mother away anytime I have a yard sale because she'll try to gt me to keep everything saying it might be useful.

Jun 09, 2011 05:45 AM