
Moving Link: A Resource to Make Your Move Easier in the Greater Seattle Area

Home Builder with Retired

What is Moving Link? It is a company in western Washington formed in 1997 to assist home sellers in locating the right mover for their needs with out having to contact every mover in town. Moving Linkis able to connect a seller with the right mover for them and facilitate a move any where in the country and probably anywhere in the world.

Why was this company formed? To make moving easier than ever before. The result:

  • Single point of contact that works for you – not the moving company
  • Client advocate to trouble shoot the moving service
  • Volume incentive/leverage with the mover to keep costs competitive
  • Easier way to compare bids
  • Quality Assurance
  • Un-biased consulting

And Best Of All: It costs the seller nothing extra. Why: Because the movers pay Moving Link the fee they would normally have to pay their own front man.

Moving Link has a great reputation and they keep it that way by constantly getting feed back from the people they have helped. Companies that fall short of the quality of service don't get recommended the next time.

Richard Harper, founder of Moving Link, recently sent me the following hints to safe money when moving and I am passing them on to you with his permission.

Car with boxesDo it yourself Plan A - Rental Truck, beverages, and pizza go a long way and is the most cost effective way I know to move. Now, if you're older like me - oh, my back, my knees, my friends are all old, my kids either live out of town or can't afford to take time off work to help, Plan A won't work.

So, Plan B, you're thinking is to rent a truck and hire some experienced people to help. The cost of your plan B won't be much different from hiring a professional permitted mover in a competitive situation and is a lot less stressful.

Packing The more you pack the less the mover will charge you. Couple of thoughts: Start packing the non-breakable items first and if you run out of time, use the movers for the breakable items. It is pretty hard to break a box of books or linens! On a local move you will save time and money by "staging" your home for the mover. I know, I know, after listing your home for sale, the word staging isn't a fun word, but it can save you money.

PURGE!! When packing, use the 3 second rule: If you hold something in your hand for 3 seconds or longer trying to decide if it should go in the move or not - you DO NOT need it!! Less to move... Less it will cost! - have I already mentioned the word purge? On a local move consider using the mover to move only the big items and you move all of the boxes and smaller items.

Moving There is a fine line between getting the highest quality at the most competitive price! Make sure you DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!;;

Storage Self Storage? Portable Storage? Mover's Storage? What kind of storage is the most cost effective for you? How long will you be in storage? Look at your total cost not just 1 month of storage. What will it cost you to go into storage? Do you need access while it is storage? Is it important to your to maintain continuity in responsibility for potential damage? Answering those questions will guide you in the direction in which you need to head.

Bottom-line... the more you do - the less your move will cost.

I have no connection with Moving Link other than the knowledge that they give excellent service to their clients.

If you are moving from or within the greater Seattle area give me a call to help you with the marketing and sale of your property; and call Moving Link to make sure the heavy lifing gets done right.

Posted by





Glenn Roberts



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Charles Edwards Bentonville
Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 - Bentonville, AR
AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker

Good work Glenn. A practical guide is a very useful tool. I have not moved in 20 years.

Jun 10, 2011 02:01 PM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Paula - Looks like a great weather. Fix a plumbing issue in the rental house tomorrow. Work up details to write on a commercial property on Sunday morning and then, with temps in around 70's and sun a 12 mile hike on Tiger Mountain in the Cascades for Sunday afternoon. I'll take that all with open arms. 

Charles - I've been in this house since 1989. Going to need a tree surgeon to cut my roots when it comes time to able on.

Jun 10, 2011 02:05 PM
Sheila Newton Team Anderson & Greenville SC
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices - C. Dan Joyner - Anderson, SC
Selling the Upstate since 1989

thanks for sharing... sounds like a wonderful company.... we have some similar ones here. I need to investigate them further..

Jun 10, 2011 02:11 PM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Shelia - they do take the onus off of me for recommending a particular moving company and make it a lot easier on the person moving.

Jun 10, 2011 02:40 PM
Kristine Ginsberg
Elite Staging and Redesign, LLC - Short Hills, NJ
NJ Home Stager

Glen - there is so much to moving once you've sold your home - great tips and advice! I like the 3 second rule - never heard of it, but it makes sense!

Jun 11, 2011 02:57 AM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Kristine - Sometimes it takes only 3 seconds to decide but days or months to part with an old treasure.

Jun 11, 2011 03:33 AM
Al & Peggy Cunningham, Brokers
RE/MAX West Realty Inc., Brokerage - Brampton, ON
Our Family Wants To Help Your Family!

Great tips Glenn and especially the one for moving links, we hadn't heard of them! Will be checking them out now.... Purging BEFORE moving is also great advice!

Jun 13, 2011 09:01 AM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Al and Peggy - It seems like constant purging is one thing and more selective buying is another. Both are good.

Jun 13, 2011 10:46 AM
Nancy Conner
Olympia, WA
Olympia/Thurston County WA

What a great resource to know about!  And the tips to prepare for moving are good ones!  We are - slowly - working toward a future move and had a big garage sale this past weekend so I feel good about getting rid of quite a bit of excess "stuff".

Jun 13, 2011 01:11 PM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Nancy - This company is good, and as a realtor, you don't want to end up recommending a bad mover. Let someone else keep track of the heavy lifters.

Jun 13, 2011 02:20 PM
Jennifer Fivelsdal
JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571 - Red Hook, NY
Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection

Glen moving is such a stressful event so having a resource like this will be a big help.  Purging before moving make sense, why pay for unwanted weight.

Jun 14, 2011 05:07 PM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Jennifer - And once that stuff is gone you never have to mess with it again.

Jun 15, 2011 02:39 AM
1~Judi Barrett
Idabel, OK


I would hate that three second rule.  I weigh just about everything.  I try to think how I would feel if I no longer had the item, would I be shopping for an identical if I didn't own it...

Jun 15, 2011 02:58 PM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Judi, As you get older you'll realize that there are a lot of things that it's okay to just give up ;)

Jun 15, 2011 03:36 PM
Lee & Pamela St. Peter
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices YSU Realty: (919) 645-2522 - Raleigh, NC
Making Connections to Success in Real Estate

What a great idea Glenn, I wonder if there's anything like this here in the Triangle.  Will need to check it out.  You're list is great too!  Very well thought out. Well done...

Jun 16, 2011 05:02 AM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Lee and Pam - They are pretty popular here and quite good at what they do.

Jun 16, 2011 01:22 PM
Cara Marcelle Mancuso
Golden Girls with SW Desert Homes - Tucson, AZ
Call a Marana neighbor, I'm THERE!

This is a great local resource and service for the relocation client!  Fantastic tips for those with a move in their future.

Jun 16, 2011 03:14 PM
Glenn Roberts
Retired - Seattle, WA

Carla - Pack 'em up and move 'em out.

Jun 16, 2011 03:43 PM
Charita Cadenhead
eXp Realty - Birmingham, AL
Serving Jefferson and Shelby Counties (Alabama)

Glenn the single most thing that struck me was PURGE.  If ever there was a time to purge, then moving would be IT.

Jun 17, 2011 03:24 AM
Katie Munoz
Moving Forward Inc - Seattle, WA

Moving Link is great!  My company, Moving Forward, helps people sort, purge, pack, and unpack.  We do everything to help people move except transport the boxes and furniture.  For that we call on registered moving companies.  We've relied on Moving Link for over 5 years and they have been a great resource.  Local moves, out-of-state moves and even international moves.  They can do it all.



Aug 12, 2011 08:01 AM