I have been here in the Rain, Active Rain that is, for 4 (four) years now. I cannot believe that it's been that long! It seems like yesterday that my husband said, "hey Deb, there's a cool blogging site for you to look at." My answer at the time was, "what's blogging?" Seriously! I had no clue. After bringing up the site and discovering all the wealth of information, commeraderie, excitement and humor I just couldn't resist! Thus, my addiction. Active Rain.
I was scared half to death to post the first time. I had no clue what anyone wanted from me or what good it would do me or even why I was here! I have never been one to read "instructions". I have always been the Bull In The China Shop that would rush right in even if something breaks. That's me.
All of a sudden, I wanted to know EVERYTHING that had to do with Active Rain. It was an immediate addiction even though I did not receive any comments~it just didn't seem to matter. I wanted to learn, I wanted to write, I wanted to reach out to my clients and customers and tell them about all that was great in my area! I became caught up in all the friendships I was forming. I laughed, I even cried at times and I was so grateful to have found a home.
I immediately placed with my "blog", "post" in Google. I was shocked, amazed, and my business immediately began to increase. My first Active Rain phone call came only three (3) weeks after I began posting and placing. A nice lady at the other end of the phone said, "I would like to talk to you about listing my home". I asked the first and most critical question of the day, "where did you learn about me?" and guess what her answer was! Yes! "It's a site called Active Rain, she said. I was wondering if you could sell my home?"
And, I did. Her home had been listed with another Realtor® for an entire year. Of course, I told her I could help. I listed and sold her home withing 45 days and received a check for over $6,000.00. What I am telling you here is that the first three months of posting on Active Rain paid me a lot of money! I had fun, created friendships, got my Marketing on Full Steam Ahead and life was good. I have been receiving calls and checks from more than just my posting since then. Referrals become a large part of our business and "posting practices".
I understand that Active Rain is about to Celebrate their 5 Year Anniversary and I want to say, "Thank You Active Rain" for being my Best Friend!
I so wish I could be in Seattle to help celebrate!
"Active Rain, You are the Best"
And, all my friends. YOU ARE AWESOME! And, yes, I am screaming. It's been five years? I don't get it?
Where does the time go?