
Weather as a sales influence

Real Estate Agent with REMAX Select RE

Weather is constantly mentioned as a possible catalyst or deterrent in  real estate sales.  There is little argument that sunny warm days provide a more hospitable arena for potential customers to visit open houses, drive by properties and visit homes with their agent.  But is there empirical evidence that less then perfect weather causes a noticeable constriction in sales?  

If yes, is the drop  permanent, or there a quick recovery when the climate becomes more hospitable.  Does inclement weather  extend the time so long that internal/external changes for the customer prevents them from buying a home?  

The weather this year in Seattle has been non-changing.  Except for a few months in the summer it seems  that there is less need for climatologists.  

The forecast is easy "mid 50's, chance of rain and cloudy"  I am starting to feel like Bill Murray in the movie "Groundhogs Day". However, is the customer  so acclimated to this environment that they simply proceed with their buying process?

The southeast has been hammered by high temperatures.  Does this cause a slowdown or do the customers become used to the "AC to AC" mode of viewing real estate? 

The Midwest and Northeast have experienced tremendous snow falls/blizzards this past year.  After the majority of the snow removal  do customers buy or delay until the total winter has passed?

In other areas of this Continent  does a uncomfortable pattern of weather permanently alter the buyers thinking or response to buying?

What do you think, has there been actual research conducted that validates or discounts that weather is n absolute determiner on the volume and timing of the final sale?



Charlie Ragonesi - Big Canoe, GA
Homes - Big Canoe, Jasper, North Georgia Pros

For one here in the mountains in the winter nobody goes anywhere so mnobody shops.

Jun 13, 2011 08:00 AM
Robert Rauf
CMG Home Loans - Toms River, NJ

I know that in my area, Nice weekends kill RE, but the cloudy overcast weekends typically make for busy ones!

This is especially true in the spring.

Jun 13, 2011 08:01 AM
Kim Gero
Verani Realty - Center Ossipee, NH
Associate Broker, REALTOR®

The market slows down during the winter in my neck of the woods. Most people don't feel like house shopping when it's 20 degrees with 3 feet of snow and a constant blowing wind. It's like a frozen tundra and the buyers tend to hibernate. I am certain that inclement weather plays a role in New England. 

Jun 13, 2011 09:04 AM
Patrick Smith
REMAX Select RE - Maple Valley, WA

Thanks for the resonses, it looks like everyone has encountered finicky weather in their business dealings.

Jun 13, 2011 11:10 AM
Gabrielle Nemes
RE/MAX Realty South - Tumwater, WA
206.300.8421, S King & Pierce County RE Advocate

Hi Pat! Nice to see you posting! Weather ... Other than snow storms, I've shown and sold homes in just about every weather pattern we have around here. It does seem that I've seen less traffic at open houses when the weather is nice. Everyone is out playing on those rare days!

Jun 13, 2011 05:32 PM
Patrick Smith
REMAX Select RE - Maple Valley, WA

From the responses it looks like we may never really know the degree to which weather hinders or helps RE sales.  

There are  too many "hanging" variables that decrease our ability to determine the answer with any level of absolute accuracy.

Jun 15, 2011 10:07 AM
Gabrielle Nemes
RE/MAX Realty South - Tumwater, WA
206.300.8421, S King & Pierce County RE Advocate

Yep ... this sort of analysis will drive you crazy!

Jun 16, 2011 05:07 PM