
So, Listen Weather, cool it!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas

Are you ALL in Texas? Or, possibly in a wonderful temperate climate? Jeesh. I climbed into my car in the garage this evening to run to the store and the car showed the temperature at 89º and I thought...hmmm...not too bad! As the car pulled out of the driveway the temperature climbed and climbed and climbed. I don't mean to be repetitious but it climbed to 103º at which moment I was questioning my good judgment about leaving.

I am imagining that the summer here in Texas is a great deal like the winter in Michigan!

I am beginning to feel cabin fever.

Just pretending on Lake Conroe

I feel the dread of showing properties in this heat but I DO want to show properties!

The Lake is drying up so it's a great Buyer's Market!

Where are the buyer's?

They are at home getting cabin fever!

At this time of night people are usually strolling together holding hands.

Others are walking their dogs on a normal evening.

Bikes are passing by and my little dog barks and has fun with it.

I took my dog for a walk earlier as I glistened in the sun saying, "hurry up Reecie, I can't stand this..." Know what she said? Well, nothing because she's a dog but she stopped dead. Sat down in the grass. When I pulled her leash she fought against me. She wouldn't budge. Period. I picked her up and carried her home!

Are you dealing with this kind of excrutiating heat like us? 

It is hurting everyone and the grass, and the birds, and the lake, and we are on Water Rationing.


So, listen weather, cool it!

I want to get back to business.

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Conrad Allen
Re/Max Professional Associates - Webster, MA
Webster, Ma, Realtor

Hi Deb - I wrote a blog about this crazy weather.  Living in Massachusetts your winter analogy is so correct.  Don't forget, never let them see you sweat:)

Jun 14, 2011 02:09 PM
Jeanne M. Gavish
Jeanne Gavish, Keller Williams Realty Elite Partners - Spring Hill, FL
Keller Williams Realty Elite Partners - CIPS,GRI,S

Ah Deb, cute post, but really, YES!  It is hot and muggy and your hari frizzes and you can't stand vacant homes to show and.....

Jun 14, 2011 02:11 PM
Brenda Mullen
RE/MAX Associates - San Antonio, TX
Your San Antonio TX Real Estate Agent!!

I'm right there with ya Deb!  It's HOT HOT HOT here in San Antonio TX!  I wonder if were gonna get the 100 over 100 again!  I certainly hot not.  Here's prayin it will cool down a touch, just to 90 Geez!

Jun 14, 2011 02:16 PM
Ilan Bracha
Keller Williams NYC - Manhattan, NY
KW NYC/The Bracha Group, Manhattan


This is June in NYC and we're experiencing highs and lows!  This week has been mild--in the 60s and 70s, but wait until winter!  Weather is predicted to be in the mid-70s and low 80s for the next week.  Good luck to you and hope it cools off or there's lots of a/c. :).

Jun 14, 2011 02:17 PM
John Novak
Keller Williams Realty The Marketplace - Las Vegas, NV
Henderson, Las Vegas and Summerlin Real Estate

We just hit triple digits today, with 106 forecast for tomorrow before backing off into the 90s for the weekend. Most of the activity at the Bark Park is now after 7:30 PM when the sun dips behind the mountains.

Jun 14, 2011 02:25 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Conrad! So, maybe you should spend a summer here and I should spend a winter there and we could begin to appreciate what we have? It's just too extreme though. I remember the Indiana winters when I was a child but all it meant for me was no school for the day, going out in my front yard and ice skating, eating snow ice cream and having my dad push me off to slide down the hills! What fond memories they are.


Jeanne, humidity really hurts when it's hot! Literally hurts! It's like being in a sauna with no towel! Hang in there my friend~we will get through this...maybe?'


Brenda, San Antonio is a scorcher city too! I was living there in the 80's when it snowed though! I think it was my karma that brought it on! I was about to move to Dallas where it really snows.


Ilan, enjoy it while you've got it. Do you realize it was just that pleasant here a month ago? It's so weird how the weather is changing don't you think? Is your weather doing funny things too? JC....

Jun 14, 2011 02:32 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Oh No! John, you are kidding me? 106º ????  Sounds like Wichita Falls a few days ago. I was there and at one point it hit 118º. I wouldn't have believed it if I had not felt it! If I were an egg, I would have fried!

Later in the rain~Deb...(don't I wish!)

Jun 14, 2011 02:36 PM
Marilyn Boudreaux
Marilyn Boudreaux, Century 21 Bono Realty - Lake Charles, LA
Lake Charles LA Century 21 Realtor

right there with you in South Louisiana Sister!  HUMID HEAT!!  I got a new relocation  buyer today and guess what he wants to view property Friday at 1:00 and again Saturday, he will be meeting his REALTOR in shorts I can promise you that LOL

Oh and I can relate to your dog because I have a new puppy and we are potty training so I am in and out all day and looking for shade in the back yard while she does her business

Jun 14, 2011 03:03 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Marilyn, yes ma'am sista! It is just like jumping into a heat sauna with the water pouring over the rocks with your towel over you till you faint and they Dial 9-1-1 and you wake up wheezing and do not want to take the ambulance because it costs so much although you would love to sit in a cool bed with nurses waiting on you and bringing you Mai Tai's and then you wake up and you're just sweaty and miserable...."whew". You got me going!

lol...see what the heat does to me? Not a pretty sight! Take care of that puppy and I know it's not easy right now. Just think how easy it will be with pup when it cools down! Good to see you! BTW, girl? Boy? Name? Pictures?

Later in the rain~Deb

Jun 14, 2011 03:30 PM
Joni Bailey
101 Main St. Realty - Huntsville, TX
Your Huntsville / Lake Livingston Area REALTOR®

CRAZY hot! My car said 107 when I got in, but it had been sitting in the sun. When I got to the funeral home it said 102. EITHER WAY... it's HOT! I'm with you, girlfriend! COOL IT!

Jun 14, 2011 04:46 PM
Tammy Lankford,
Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668 - Eatonton, GA
Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville

Nope, Deb, it's not just you.  Georgia has the same crazy heat.  Our average high for this time of year is 88 and we've hit 100 4 days and been over 90 22 days in a row.  I melt... every time I walk my dog (who is a great dane, so there is NO picking him up and taking him home, the lab either for matter, but she does mind somewhat) 

And no rain here either... UGH... 

Think we should head north for summer like the notherners head south for winter?

Jun 15, 2011 12:38 AM
William Johnson
Retired - La Jolla, CA

Hi Deb, Only you could write such an entertaining story abut the weather. Ours hasn't hit the high temps as yet but in the summer, 100 plus occurs too often , living a bit inland from the coast was a lesson to be learned and sadly I had to learn it hard way, LOL.  

Jun 15, 2011 04:24 PM
Scott Hayes
(512) 786-8300 - Austin, TX
Realty Austin, Broker Associate



I think we are going to beat 2009. We had 67 100+ days that summer. Ugghh

Jun 15, 2011 04:53 PM
Mimi Foster
Falcon Property Company - Colorado Springs, CO
Voted Colorado Springs Best Realtor

When I started in real estate in Colorado, it was standard to tell people that they didn't need air conditioning because it really only got hot two weeks out of the year.  NOW we turn our air conditioners on in May and leave them on for months because it's gotten so hot.  I totally empathize.

Jun 16, 2011 01:14 AM
Ilan Bracha
Keller Williams NYC - Manhattan, NY
KW NYC/The Bracha Group, Manhattan

It was, but it's beautiful now....70s and 80s!  Great!

Jun 16, 2011 05:10 AM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Hi all! I woke up this morning with a tune going through my head! I was still sleepy and had to think about what it was!

It was "LET IT SNOW!"

Jeeze...sometimes I think I brainwash myself.

Thank you for all the comments.

Stay cool~

Later in the rain~Deb

Jun 16, 2011 01:09 PM
Hrisco & Associates
Hrisco & Associates - Roanoke, TX
Roanoke Homes for Sale - Roanoke Neighborhoods

Hi Deb, this post is so true and I feel the same way a lot of times about the heat....Thank you for the well wishes on the broker exam....and for the tips on the spearmint drops, will give them a shot.  Will keep you posted on the outcome...stay tuned, tomorrows the day!

Jun 17, 2011 02:05 AM