Are you ALL in Texas? Or, possibly in a wonderful temperate climate? Jeesh. I climbed into my car in the garage this evening to run to the store and the car showed the temperature at 89º and I thought...hmmm...not too bad! As the car pulled out of the driveway the temperature climbed and climbed and climbed. I don't mean to be repetitious but it climbed to 103º at which moment I was questioning my good judgment about leaving.
I am imagining that the summer here in Texas is a great deal like the winter in Michigan!
I am beginning to feel cabin fever.
I feel the dread of showing properties in this heat but I DO want to show properties!
The Lake is drying up so it's a great Buyer's Market!
Where are the buyer's?
They are at home getting cabin fever!
At this time of night people are usually strolling together holding hands.
Others are walking their dogs on a normal evening.
Bikes are passing by and my little dog barks and has fun with it.
I took my dog for a walk earlier as I glistened in the sun saying, "hurry up Reecie, I can't stand this..." Know what she said? Well, nothing because she's a dog but she stopped dead. Sat down in the grass. When I pulled her leash she fought against me. She wouldn't budge. Period. I picked her up and carried her home!
Are you dealing with this kind of excrutiating heat like us?
It is hurting everyone and the grass, and the birds, and the lake, and we are on Water Rationing.
So, listen weather, cool it!
want to get back to business.